Nathan seems stressed, try and help distract him. Wink

From Create Your Own Story

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Nathan seemed stressed, so it only seemed right that you should try and take his mind off of everything. Stepping up beside him, you nuzzle yourself into his back, resting your head into the crook of his shoulder. He only jumps slightly. He looks towards you quizzically, eying up your expression to figure out what you're doing.

"You're skipping Johnsons class again?"

"Johnsons fun and all, but I thought me and you would have more" you purred, snaking a hand along his arm, the other runs around his waist, trailing it in slow circles over his abdomen. His face darkens to a shade of red, tripping over his own words as he stops your hand from going any further.

"wow wow wow, what are you doing? I've got work to do I can't just- oh god" You escape his weak grip enough to cup him through his jeans, massaging his package eagerly as you whisper into his ear.

"Come on now Nathan, I know you've wanted this just as much as I have. I've seen you, staring at me, probably imagining all sorts of things" You finished by nibbling on his ear lobe, savouring the way he shivered underneath your touch and words. He turned the stove off, and pushed his cuttings to one side, easily breaking into the thought of something more exciting than potions homework. You placed a tender kiss behind his ear, before turning him around and kissing him on the cheek, and then the chin, setteling on his neck as he begins to speak.

"What do you want me to do to you?"

Ask Nathan to eat you out

Give Nathan a blowjob

Back out, you've changed your mind

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