Human Male Knight (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Crispus Crespi. A swordsman of the Knight's Order, you're quite strong and well built. At 6'6", you're quite tall for a human, something known to annoy the Order's armourers. You have curly, ginger hair underneath your helmet. Emerald green shines from your eyes. You've always been quite attractive, ever since being attractive was something you could do. After three years as a Knight, you now have a few sexy scars to further that, and have fit body that helps too.

An assembly has been called, and so you stand with your peers in the main hall of the Grand Citadel. The Knight-Commander stands at the altar before you, looking down over all his Knights. Everyone who could be there is, from Recruit to Elder, all wearing their glistening silver armour.

"You all know why I've called you here," the Knight-Commander bellows. "In light of recent successes by members of our Order, I have some promotions to bestow. First on my list, Kassius Imperio, you are to be promoted. Come forth."

A Recruit breaks from his line, and approaches the Knight-Commander. He's shorter than your average Knight, and doesn't appear as strong. He removes his helmet, and you see that he is, in fact, an elf. He has short, black hair, and has tanned skin. You wonder why an elf would have such a human name. He drops to one knee.

"My Lord, I shall serve," he says.

"Then as God wills it, you are no longer Recruit. Arise, Ser Kassius, as Ranger."

You and the other Knights clap, and Kassius rises. He returns to his friends, and places his helmet back on his head.

"Next," bellows the Knight-Commander. "Anya Kokolov, you are to be promoted. Come forth."

One of the few female Knights approaches. She removes her helmet. Her eyes are the brightest blue you've ever seen, and her hair the brightest gold. She drops to one knee for the Knight-Commander.

"My Lord, I shall serve," she says.

"Then as God wills it, you are no longer Ranger. Arise, Ser Anya, as Ranger-Captain."

She rises and smiles, while you and the rest clap. As she returns to her friends, the Knight-Commander looks right at you.

"Next on my list," he bellows once more. "Crispus Crespi, you are to be promoted. Come forth."

Your heart nearly stops. You do as asked, and move through the crowd to reach the altar. You remove your helmet, and drop to one knee.

"My Lord, I serve," you say.

"I shall serve," he corrects you.

You nod. "My Lord, I shall serve."

The Knight-Commander shakes his head disapprovingly. "Then as God wills it, you are no longer Ranger-Captain. Arise, Ser Crispus, as Fifth Commander."

You rise to the sound of clapping. Fifth Commander is rank only taken by one Knight at a time. It makes you Commander of the Fifth Legion. You hadn't heard that the previous Fifth Commander had died, so you're a little confused.

"My Lord Knight-Commander, isn't Ser James the Fifth Commander?" you ask.

"Ser James has been found guilty of heresy. He is to be expelled from the Order. Your victory over the orcs at Redmayne made my decision for me. You shall replace him."

You nod. "Thank you, My Lord. I won't let you down."

You move back to your friends. If they're happy for you, they're not showing it. But that would make sense considering the formality of the assembly. They'll probably congratulate you later.

As the assembly goes on, you begin to zone out. Your eyes scan the room. You see another Knight looking at you, but you can't tell who they are because of their armour. Their eyes break away the moment you notice them staring. As you try to recall if you know who'd be standing where they are, you remember seeing one of the promoted Knights return to that very spot. You think back and try to recall who.

It was…

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