ToI -- Lore/World Facts

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Star Name: Marthos (Named after the Lord of Creation) Planet Rotation: ~24 hours (Same as Earth) Week Length: 7 days Solar Year Length: ~420 days (60 Weeks)

Moons: 2 Moons; the greater moon is named Dwayii (after the Night Goddess), while the lesser moon is named Luna (Named after the Princess of Shadows) Moon Orbital Period: ~28 Days for Dwayii; ~42 Days for Luna

Illnoran Standard Calendar: The solar year is divided up evenly into 12 months, with 35 days each. There are a total of 5 weeks per month. The 12 Months are named the following:

  1. Dwayan (April)
  2. Lunan (May)
  3. Marthan (June)
  4. Avan (July)
  5. Vallan (August)
  6. Fallas (September)
  7. Mivan (October)
  8. Frozan (November)
  9. Dantas (December)
  10. Baaz’dan (January)
  11. Zemnan (February)
  12. Divans (March)

Spring Equinox (New Years Day): Beginning of Dwayan Summer Solstice: End of Marthan. Fall Equinox: Beginning of Mivan. Winter Solstice: End of Dantas.

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