
From Create Your Own Story

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Your heart drops as the last card is revealed.

A 2 of hearts.

Needless to say, your hand does not beat the dealer's, and you lose all of your money. All the spectators watching you let out a wave of sighs before slowly resuming chatting. You sit there, dumbfounded. It's only the first game you've played in this casino, and you've already lost everything. Your parents are going to kill you as soon as they find out you lost all your money at a casino. "Tough luck," says the dealer. "Better luck next time, honey." The dealer then goes back to chatting with the rest of the crowd, almost as though nothing happened at all. "No," you speak up. "There has to be a way I can win my money back. That was all I had." The dealer pauses, then faces you. "Well, you do still have the option to buy in." Your eyes light up hearing this, but, after looking over yourself, you're confused as to what he means. You have nothing to buy in with. You tell the dealer this, and he smiles slyly in response. "Nonsense," he says. "Take a look at yourself one more time. You do have something to buy in with."

Giving him a confused look, he nods at your attire. You look down at your dress, your eyes filling with dread. You look around you in fear, and can see that the patrons surrounding the table are now looking at you eagerly, all with the same sly smile the dealer has. 

"So what's it gonna be then?" The dealer asks. "Are you in?"

You realize you truly have no choice. You wager your clothes.

The cards are dealt, and you look at your cards. You have a two pair, 7's, so far so good. The river is revealed, and you can see that you definitely have a good chance. You see another 7 and two jacks, putting you at a full house. The last two cards are revealed to just be fluff, so you move on to the showdown. You proudly reveal your full house to the dealer, who just returns your gaze with a grin. Beads of sweat roll down your face as the dealer reveals his hand.

Four of a kind.

The two jacks were your undoing, and now, due to your own stupidity, you’ve lost your clothes. Your face goes pale as you look around back at the patrons, who are now all facing you, eyes locked onto you. “Well?” The dealer speaks up. “Aren’t you gonna pay up?” You notice that the people surrounding you are starting to move in slowly. Something’s not right. “Wait...” , you say as you stand up. “Please, give me one more-” Your words are cut short as you suddenly feel a pair of hands grab your shoulders. Before you can react, the hands yank your dress down your body, exposing your bare breasts, thus bringing you down to the floor in the process. Your back hits the ground, and immediately hands swarm all over your body. The patrons that were surrounding the table are stripping you! Just what kind of casino are they running here? You try to retaliate, but they have your limbs pinned. First, the patrons manage to get their hands underneath your dress and slip off your heels. As you try to struggle, patrons begin to pull your dress down off your body, slowly revealing your belly. You gasp as two hands grab your chest and start groping it, all while your dress descends further and further down your legs. You squeal in embarrassment as your dress is pulled off completely, exposing the rest of your body. The patrons then waste no time attacking the rest of your clothing, grabbing at parts of your pantyhose and tearing it off your body. After the remaining pieces are torn away, you scream as the patrons slowly begin to spread your legs. You know what they're after next. Hands lunge at your waist as you desperately try to force your legs shut. Your effort is futile, and fingers plunge into the waistband of your panties. You let out a cry as your panties are yanked off your legs completely, leaving your nude body exposed for all the patrons of the casino to see.


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