I feel like gambling. Let's hit the casino!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:13, 20 February 2019 by N1n (Talk | contribs)

You suddenly get a great idea.

You remember that there's a casino downtown in the nearby city. Whenever you'd take trips with your family there, you would always pass by the casino on the car ride. It always would catch your eye because of all the flashing colors the casino had on the outside to catch the attention of passerby. Every time you and your family would pass it, you would always wish you could go inside.

You decide today is the day you test your luck.

You head into your mother's room to find her red evening dress she wears for special occasions. You do have some dresses of your own, but you want to show the people at the casino that you mean business. You get out of your sleep clothes, and get dressed. You slip on a pair of black lace panties, along with a pair of brown pantyhose over it. You decide to go bra-less, it's not like you'll need one with a sexy dress like your mother's. Finally, you put on said evening dress and step into a pair of black heels. You then head to the bathroom to put on some makeup. You put on some dark eyeliner, some blush, and some scarlet red lipstick. Once you're finished, you look at yourself in the mirror. You gotta say, you look pretty stunning. The one complaint you have though is that you feel your mother's dress feels a little tight on you. It's doing a good job of showing off your curves. Not to mention, it also shows a bit a cleavage as well as your back. Basically backless v-neck. Other than that, the dress covers your legs nicely. You're definitely more than ready to go. You hop in your car and start driving to the casino.

The ride takes awhile, being that the city is quite far from your house. By the time you arrive, it's already dusk. You head over to the entrance and show your ID to the guard standing in front of the entrance. He glances at it, takes a quick look at you, nods and ushers you inside. You're quite surprised getting in was that easy, but you have the feeling your appearance is what helped. Once you're inside, you stand in awe at the vastness of the entire place. Rows upon rows of slot machines, poker tables, roulette tables, craps, everything was here. So many ways to win big. Despite the vast array of options at your disposal, you decided to stick to what you know and head to one of the poker tables. You find that nearly single one of them are crowded with the typical middle-aged adults, all dressed appropriately. None of the tables you had seen had a spot open. However, one table caught your eye. Hidden towards the back, you find one table, slightly crowded, with one open spot in the middle. You feel as though it were calling to you. You head over to it. Once you walk over you notice that the people surrounding it were actually chatting with one another, not playing. You think that you must have wandered over to a dining table by accident, or that everyone had just finished and were ready to leave, until you notice the dealer sitting across from the table. He notices you, and asks if you wish to play a round of Texas Hold’em.

You come over and sit down, and he deals a hand. Looking at your current cards, you get the feeling that you could get a flush. Once the river is revealed, your eyes widen to see that your wish came true as you look over the 4 cards of the same suit. The people surrounding you, now spectators, take notice and begin telling you and others around them that there's no way you can lose. You begin to believe them, and instinctively go all in. Then, the last card is revealed.

Do you:

Exposure Surrounded Clothing

Red Evening Dress

Health Normal
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