Concede to him and take off your armor for the road

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:51, 20 November 2018 by Gougounne (Talk | contribs)

You decide that you'd rather not upset your new companions by taking the risk of slowing them down. As they finish preparing their packs, you take off your armor and settle it in a bag. Blackhand grin a little as he his gaze falls upon your rather simple attire underneath your armor.

Your group head out into the road. The group is trying real hard to get distracted by your skirt as you walk about but other then that, the road is fairly eventless. You arrive at the village of Narl, a small town not even on the maps. It's location is not on any major road and it's mostly unknown to most.

Your group pick up the pace and you smile at the town, eager to put your armor back on. You promise yourself to buy better traveling before the next trip ! Being so lightly dressed dosn't bother you but it is a little breezy without your armor.

As you arrive, you notice the small town has erected rudimentary defenses to protect themself from the undead threat. Some guards keep watches and welcome your group as you aproach, glad to see friendly living faces. Blackhand dosn't waste much time and ask where the mayor house is and you are indicated to a large manor atop a hill near the central plaza.

Your group meets the mayor and you hear the dwarf and the cleric exchange quietly while looking about. You think they are concerned about the citizen. You unfortunately don't hear them talking about how pitiful this town looked.

You excitedly keep up the pace with Blackhand, smiling at him naively and he grins back at your childish expression. "Time to meet the mayor. I expect you all on your best behaviour." he announce as he head towards the manor. You nods with the other and your group announce itself as the iron gates. You are led inside the manor and a butler guides you to a study.

The mayor is a greedy and sleazy man

The mayor is an erotic busty woman

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