They make a move on you.

From Create Your Own Story

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As you sit in awkward silence, you can practically feel the tension building as the older women continue to look at you. The silence lingers for a bit longer until the woman next to you speaks up once more. “Honey, why don’t you take that towel off? Like I said, we’re all women here, as you can clearly tell.” A couple of the ladies muster up a giggle from the joke before agreeing with her and try to encourage you to drop your towel. You start to blush from just hearing complete strangers, let alone other women tell you to get naked. Shyly, you look around at each of them. From the slight smiles on their faces you can barely tell if their intentions are purely innocent or malicious. Before you can say something to contest, you suddenly feel something tugging at the bottom of your towel. Then once you feel your towel drop slightly lower off of your body, you realize that some of the ladies are trying to pull your towel off your body. They continue tugging at your towel, as you try your best to keep it above your chest. Tug after tug, you feel your towel go lower and lower down your body. Then, after having gotten your towel low enough, the ladies tug at the same time. Your towel, which was barely covering your bosom at this point, gets pulled down, exposing your entire chest, and plucks at your nipples at the same time.

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