
From Create Your Own Story

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You arrive in the hunting store, a large Inuit man stands behind the counter cleaning a hunting rifle. He is a fierce looking man, he looks to be at least 6'4 and he probably weighs triple your weight. He's wearing what could only be described as hunting gear, khaki jeans and a big winter coat. As you walk in the door a bell chimes and he looks up, his eyes pierce through you. The store is a small shop but it looks like it has everything. There are guns and supplies here, everything you need for a hunting trip. On the wall there is a massive head of a moose staring down at you.

"How can I help you friend?" He says while smiling and leaving down the rifle he was cleaning. The rifle was small, probably for hunting rabbits or foxes. He had everything taken apart and was wiping it down with a cloth.

"I'm looking for some gear for big game hunting" You say, sticking out your hand to shake his. The man's grip is strong, he grips your hand and smiles while doing so. He looks you up and down.

He shakes your hand and then gestures towards the wall of guns to his right, "How big of game are you talking?" On the wall are guns of all different sizes with different scopes and makes. There are small guns that would be suited for rabbits and foxes and massive guns that could probably take down a bear.

"Moose" You say firmly.

He picks up a large rifle from the wall and looks it over, looking down the sights. "How is this rifle for you?" The rifle is a big rifle, the stock is made out of natural wood. It doesn't look like it weighs a ton, you take it in your hands and it feels light. The gun feels well built and sturdy, it is built to withstand the cold and the wild. You're happy that you're getting a good deal.

"Perfect" you say and buy the rifle. You decide not to barter here.

With your rifle bought you then get some supplies, the man gives you everything you need. He gives you the essentials for camping out in the wild, everything from tents to pots and pans. He offers you advice on where to hunt and what to look out for and where the main game trails are. He also warns you that there are mining operations in the distance to the north and that they prosecute anyone who trespasses. The only thing you still have to get is food and water.

You head out of the store, what do you do you?


Health 100 Equipment:

Hunting Gear

Age 25
Level 1
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