Katies shits her pants in the car

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:40, 9 July 2018 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Pants filled with poop Apparel and Items: Jeans(Pushed Down), T-Shirt, White Panties with Red Hearts, and an Undersized Bra
Day, Time Thursday, Immediately After School
Need to Bathroom Just went
Level of Humiliation Mortified

Katie gets in her car and drives toward home. The urge to go is increasingly growing. She drives as fast as she can trying to hold it. She's so close to home, she's clinching her butt cheeks as she races home. She makes it home, she's so close to relief. She races toward the front door as she opens it her older sister, Emily, pops up "what's up Katie" the shock distracted Katie and she lost control and shits her pants. Because of the exlax it's a lot of poop and it's very smelly.

"Gross Katie, you can't hold it and use a bathroom? That's disgusting" Emily says as she races to tell your mom.

EPILOGUE: Thanks to the way Emily spun it Katie was labeled as unable to control her bowels. She tried to explain the coaches made her eat exlax but when her mom called to confirm they denied it, and it was written off as her trying to make excuses about her lack of muscle control. Because of this she was forced to wear diapers and of course made to wear clothes that made it blatantly clear she was wearing diapers. She becomes a laughing stock at school and her life is ruined.

GAME OVER Try that again? Series 1 - Tryouts for Cheerleading

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