Some pranksters get involved.

From Create Your Own Story

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As your jogging, out of nowhere someone runs up to your side. "Mind if I join you?", they ask.

Your taken by surprise by their sudden approach, but out of hospitality you compose yourself and reply back, "Sure, I don't mind." You do question why this stranger would want to jog with you in particular, but you just conclude that it's just a friendly stranger wanting to chat with someone while they exercise. As you jog you look next to you to get a good look of the stranger. They're male, and have dark hair. They're facing the path ahead at the moment, however, and you can't get a good look of his face. By the look of the rest of his body, he does look like someone who jogs often. You return to facing forward and continue jogging.

"So what's your name?" the jogger asks. You give him your name. "Well it's nice to meet you, name's Jason, by the way." he replies. "Pardon me for just barging in, figured it'd be nice to jog and talk with someone to keep me entertained."

"Oh it's nothing.", you say. "No harm in harm in letting someone jog with you."

You two continue jogging down the path. You soon come close to a turn, and Jason moves a little further ahead. Meanwhile, behind some trees on the turn, a second person positions some sharper branches toward the jogging path. Unbeknownst to you, this person is actually a acquaintance of Jason, and you've fallen into an elaborate prank of theirs.

As you approach the turn, Jason pulls closer to you. In return you move closer to the edge of the path. "So, what do you do?", Jason asks you. "Nothing in particular at the moment. The place I work at closed for remodel recently, and I'm out of school," you answer back to him. As soon as you do, a branch snags on a loose thread of your tank top, making it start to unravel. As you jog, your tank top slowly becomes smaller and smaller, before being plucked off your shoulders. You soon feel your chest bounce more and your nipples stiffen.

Before you could notice how different you feel Jason grabs your attention with another question. "Do you like this town?", he asks you, absorbing all of your attention to him.

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