Lucid dreams/Male/Time to serve some drinks

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You look up to see a man and a woman, sitting in front of you as you stand behind the bar deck. The man has a drink he's hand and the woman is looking upset at you. You think you remember these two, aren't they a couple in the game? And what were they names again? You try to remember as you get up on your feet again. As you speck to them, you see a textbox show up under them, displaying your name and what you are saying;

Player Kevin: I'm sorry miss. I'm just felt a little light headed there for a moment.

Carla: I don't care if you fell into a damn coma! I want my drink! I gave you my order, and you just spaced out, completely ignoring me!

Dirk: I don't blame the man. If everyone could do the same, they would. I only wish I could do it myself without you knowing it.

Carla: I came here to drink away the stress I held in all day, not get more stress by being talk down by people who don't know any better!

Dirk: No, I came down here to drink away the stress I had all my life, when I first married you. But still, no matter how much I drink, it will never enough. Not with you following me every time I want to go out.

Carla: How can I be sure your not just "going out" to find some slut you can find in any random night pub!

Dirk: Tsk. You wish it was that easy for me...

It seems things are acting like they would in game. And thanks to the textbox, you remember who the fine dressed man and the loud mouth bitch is. Dirk and Carla. Dirk comes to Hidden Utopias very often, kind of like a regular patron. While his wife come here very little. And when she does come around, she gets very annoying. Better ask for her drink again or she will never leave...

Player Kevin: Carla, forgive me for being rude, but can I ask what was your order again?

Carla: I changed my mind! I want something stronger. Give me a Gut Blast.

Player Kevin: Coming up.

Now knowing what you have to make, you enter the making drinks minigame. This is where you make all the drinks you have to give out. Star Rush, Fluffy Dream, Pink Fairy and the like. You have no idea who came up with these names, but they must have been pretty hammered themselves to write this shit down. Like, are half of the drinks even real? You mean really?! Who in the right mind would go up to a bartender and ask for a "Bowel Smasher"?! Small rank a side, you make a "Gut Blast" and give it to Carla. She ignore you as she take the glass and continues to argue with Dirk.

You look away, not paying attention to them going back and forth on how a true night out should be. You turn your attention to the TV, to where you see some cameos to other games and movies in the form of ads. The one showing now is where a dog and a cat stand next a bald man's head with his slogan; "I'll buy that for a dollar!". You don't know where that is from, but you like to make jokes about it. You keep changing the channel to see if there are any more good ones, until you see the ghost girl has showed up again. "Who are you?" you ask yourself as you watch her vanish again. What was that, like the fifth time you seen her? How does she help you with the story?

Boss: Last round everyone, we are closing up.

Hearing that, Carla and Dirk leave the bar, leaving you alone with the boss.

Boss: Hey, be careful on your way tonight.

Player Kevin: Why's that, sir?

Boss: I heard that strange things have been happening around this part of town lately. Like someone is messing with people's machinery or things are starting to floating in mid-air or people seeing things that are not there. Stuff like that.

What? This is new. You don't remember something like that being in the game last time. Maybe you should have paid more attention to that updates list.

Player Kevin: I'll... keep that in mind, sir.

The "End Day" button pops up in front you, like it always does when you finished with everything. You press it, as you then see the results for today. After that is the start of a new day. You stand behind the bar deck again, ready for whoever comes in. Hopefully it's someone you know you get drunk and have fun messing around with.

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