CYS2: Head inside out

From Create Your Own Story

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Nick survived three tours in some of the most dangerous war zones on the planet, he wasn't gonna let a minor explosion stop him from doing his job. Nick radioed Victor as he slowly walked down the hall "Eagle 1, this is Eagle 7. Vic, some scientist's claiming there was a reaction or something with the machine. I'm gonna check it out and get any survivors out." The radio was silent for three seconds before Victor responded "Copy that Eagle 7. Good luck"

The first person Nick saw was an engineer pinned under rubble. The man was crying for help, the wall to his right on his legs. He practically sobbed with joy when he saw Nick. "Thank god, please you gotta help me!!"Nick sighed as he leaned his gun against the wall and got down. As he lifted the rubble, his eyes monitored the hall. It was silent save for the two of them, and the crackle of fire. The alarm was silent, though the flashing red lights still illuminated the building. When Nick finally got the man out, he asked him about the silence as he helped him up "It seem quiet to you? Where's everyone else?" The engineer leaned against the wall, trying to brush the dust and dirt off him "I don't know, I heard screaming from back there earlier, but it went quiet. No one has gone out as far as i'm aware. Thank you so much, you saved my life" Nick waved aside the gratitude as he slowly picked up his gun, staring at the empty hall. He pat the man on the shoulder, pushing him back to the exit "Get out of here" The man just nodded before sprinting away.

As Nick slowly walked down the hall, his gut was screaming Danger and he was in agreement with it. He turned the corner, and a red mist seemed to roll around at ankle level. It had a faint scent of roses, but Nick doubted he wanted to bend down and give it a sniff. As he inspected the gas, he heard a wet thunk from one of the side rooms. He waited in silence, and heard it again, like raw meat being slapped against a wall. He approached the door, which was slightly open. He pushed the door, and as it swung open, he was greeted by a grisly sight. The room was a wreck, though it appeared to have been an area to watch the new machine. The carpet was torn and stained, the comfortable chairs flipped and smashed, the vending machine on its side, and the table in pieces. The glass window into a large room was shattered, and the red fog poured in like water from an overflowing cup. But what grabbed Nicks attention was the corpses. Two looked to have been killed by the blast, their bodies ripped to shred by shattered glass and debris, but the five others looked like they tore each other apart. The noise, however, came from a 'survivor'. A woman in a tattered suit, her skin covered in scratch and bite marks, sat on a mans chest, and was slamming his head down on

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