VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (211).

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 4: Mistress's Command


The Story:

You arrive back to the table hardly able to walk anymore putting the tray of alcohol down on the table with pale, shaking legs. The ghetto mass pulls the tray from you immediately and while you are sure a few of them are saying something in your direction you don't hear them. Instead you collapse across the front of the table with a hand snaking between your thighs as you moan loudly and shudder unable to take the vibrator humming away inside your sensitive pussy any longer. As everyone is passing out their drinks you unintentionally give everyone a show with your pale, plump ass raised in the air shuddering as you cum hard bent against the table. When you finally finish with a long low moan of embarrassment and pleasure you slowly sink down to your knees next to the table trying to huddle up into a very embarrassed and humiliated ball.

Curled up and horrified you finally register the laughter of all the black bimbos and glance up meekly to see most of the ones on the edge of the table bent over watching you and pointing. Most of them have their phones out recording. You almost begin sobbing right then but you hear your mistress's voice over the booming bass of the club. "Under the table Pixie." She commands.

You eagerly take her advice and crawl under the table trying to hide your utter embarrassment but you quickly find it involves climbing among the legs of all these disgusting women. Many of them prod and poke you and rest their disgusting feet on top of you. Some of them kick you and others press their shoes painfully into your sides. But you are under the table and the world can't see your practically naked cunt filled to the brim with a thick vibrator humming away. Most of all you are away from their laughter and their phones, although you can still hear some of them and some of them do stick their phones under the table. Still, it is much better than it was. You instinctively crawl over to your mistress but don't dare get close enough to peak up at her.

"Good girl Pixie." You hear from above, obviously your mistress's voice. You can tell which pair of legs are hers immediately, the only good looking ones in the center. For some reason that makes you feel a little better trying not to have a heart attack from extreme embarrassment. You bring one hand back between your meaty thighs and moan softly, the vibrator not turning off lodged up your stretched slit. Your mistress's voice pulls your attention away regardless. "I am your goddess now Pixie. I will have you worship me." You hear her explain, slowly sliding out of her shoes. You look at her a little worried but a little in awe. Even her feet are perfect. "You will no longer call me mistress, but goddess. All of your time spent with me will be doing as I wish and worshiping my body. Understand that as long as you do what I tell you I won't let another touch you. You are mine."

You nod slowly under the table soaking it all in. That doesn't sound so bad. She is really attractive and the salvation away from this mob of ghetto trash really appeals to you. You then realize she probably can't see your nod and quickly speak up with a squeak. "Yes, goddess." You say with a little bit of awe still on your voice. Wow, are you falling for this woman that fast? She is impressive.

"Good girl Pixie." She says once again, then pushes one of her feet out towards you running along your face. "You will start by worshiping my feet. Clean them with your lips and tongue until every inch is clean. Show your devotion to your new goddess."


Which card do you pick?

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