Grab Jackie's arm and run away together with Tomas and Nikki

From Create Your Own Story

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"We need to stick together!" you yell at Jackie as you grab her arm. It's too late for Andrew, but the rest of you still have a chance.

Still clutching Jackie's arm, you follow Tomas and Nikki in what you hope isn't a vain attempt to evade whatever's after you.

"Where are we going?" Jackie shouts to Tomas.

"We're heading to the cabins!" Tomas yells back. "We can barricade ourselves in there!"

"Have you seen that thing?" Jackie responds. "It's just going to break through!"

"Well, at least we'll have time to come up with a better plan!" Tomas shouts. "We can't stay out here!"

Just as Tomas makes his comment, you see a dense set of bushes and a realization pops into your head.

"Hold it!" you say. "Get behind the bushes!"

"What?" Tomas replies.

"Just trust me!"

Probably not having any better ideas, Tomas and Nikki duck behind the bushes with you and Jackie. The moment you all stop running, Jackie immediately slaps her hands over her breasts - it's nice knowing she still cares about her modesty while her life is in danger.

"What are you thinking of?" Tomas asks you. "We're not safe out here!"

"We're not safe anywhere," you reply. "But if that thing catches us in a cabin, we're cornered. If we're going to come up with a plan, we do it out here."

After a moment, Andrew nods his head in agreement. "So what is that thing? Andrew said it was a wendigo... but he's obviously not here right now to tell us what that is."

"It's a person who's turned into a monster by consuming human flesh," Nikki says. "So it can't stop eating people."

The rest of you look at Nikki, surprised she would know this.

"When that crazy guy tried to warn us about the slasher, I overheard Chris and Andrew arguing over what it could be," she explains. "Chris thought it was a demon, Andrew thought it was a wendigo."

"Did Andrew say how it can be killed?" Tomas asks Nikki.

"I think it's main weakness is fire," Nikki replies. "Or something like that."

"Then let's get to the shed," Tomas says. "There has to be something we can use."

"No!" Jackie shouts. "We need to get to the main cabin. We can use the phone there to call the police and they can kill... well, whatever this thing is!"

As the rest of your eyes turn towards Jackie, she shifts uncomfortably, still struggling to conceal her chest.

"Also, that's where the rest of my clothes are," she continues. "If I'm going to die, I'm not dying naked!"

You consider both possibilities - although neither is really a surefire solution for your problem, you sure don't know what else to do. You take a deep breath and begin to think which is better. But you'd better think fast - the killer is going to catch up to you soon.

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:You (a guy who likes girls), Nikki, Tomas, Jackie
Dead:Andrew, Chris
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