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You head home at a brisk pace, feeling better about things. Being able to stay with Lisa and her dad makes all of this easier for you, the image of your dad standing over you in the video. He isn't your blood family, but fuck, he raised you for quite a long time. Mr. Green saved his number to your phone and yours to his just in case you ended up needing a lift.

You enter your house quickly, and walk straight back to your room to start gathering a few things, you don't even have any luggage. Whatever you can fit in your cheer leading bag will do for now. Few clothes, phone charger, laptop and charger, all needed. Makeup is needed, Lisa's skin tone is all wrong, you cannot use her's or her hair car products. You notice movement in the corner of your eye.


"Hey there darling," Your step dad says, a 6'3" 275 pound balding black man. Maybe your mom saw something in him back in the day, but now just old bald and fat. Almost 60, graying hair around the sides of his head. He is holding a beer, he is not even wearing a shirt.

"What are you doing out of work dad?" You ask, trying very hard to act normal.

"Aw fuck Vixx, laid off again. Sent me home early." After he says this he empties his beer bottle and tosses it down the hall. "What are you out of school? You going somewhere?" He is slurring his words, he must have been here drinking for a while.

"Lisa asked me to spend a few nights over, no big deal dad." You tell your step dad, wondering how to get out of the house.

"I need you here tonight Vixxen, I really do." Your step dad says getting closer to you, "I lost my job, I am losing the fucking house, I don't want to be alone tonight. You can go tomorrow, I don't even care if you go to school."

You do not have a way past him, and he is acting so pathetic. The fact that he raised you this long earns company for the night right?

"OK dad, I can go tomorrow." You say, smiling. Fake smiling, but he is at least a little drunk right? "I thought mom's parents paid this place off long ago?"

"They did sweetie," Your step dad responds, downing what is left of his beer. "I took out another mortgage on it a while back. We needed a car, there was tuition for your school, the hot water heater broke, you know, everything git expensive." He has a cooler in the room with you, he grabs another and continues. "I have tried darling, but I have not handled things well, and for that I am sorry."

Well crap, you start to feel bad for the guy, pervert or not, he has had some tough luck.

"I have drank a lot, I started smoking pot, and I did some harder drugs." Your step dad continued, "I don't really know what I am doing lately, and the drugs have caused me some problems, I have blacked out lately here and there. I have woken up having walked or driven."

"Wow dad," You reply, "You should get off of the drugs. like right now dad..."

"Oh it isn't the alcohol and pot, it is other things. I have dated a couple of women lately who took ecstasy with me, and other things that I don't really know what they were. I stopped using them, but I think I need to go to rehab."

"Oh daddy, I am sorry!" You tell him, it explains what Mr. Green showed you, it has to.

Your dad orders a pizza, and he already has a lot of beer, so the two of you spend the afternoon and evening watching action movies, and drinking together. Your dad lights up a joint and you start to share that as well. This is a different side of your dad.

He isn't creepy with you, if anything he is nostalgic.

Your step dad has a pained expression on his face, he looks at you with a bit of sadness. "Vixxen I need to ask something of you, something you will not want to do, and shouldn't want to, but four our sake I need for you to."

"What is it dad?" You ask, not trusting him, but feeling some pain for his state. It isn't like he hasn't tried, but luck has gone against your step dad at every step of his life.

"Baby we have to leave the house tomorrow, the sheriff is coming. I lost my car, I have nothing left to sell, and I just got suspended from my job." He tells you, "But if I clean up I can go back."

"Where will we stay?" You ask, "What will we do?"

"I need to get to rehab, maybe I can go to my sister's house." He tells you.

"That is in another city dad, what about school?" You ask.

"I figured you would stay with a friend, Lisa lives close, maybe your friend Nikki, I don't know baby." He replies, "Your'e big enough to choose that for yourself, you can come with me, but you don't have to."

"You needed something from me though?" You ask, "How can I possibly help with any of this?"

Your step dad takes a long drag off of the joint you are sharing with him. "I don't even know how to ask," He says, he looks like he is bordering on tears. "God I am such a fucking loser." He pops the top of another beer, and turns it up, drinking the entire thing.

"Jesus Dad, take it easy." You say, putting your hand on his shoulder, "What can I do to help."

Your dad turns and looks at you, a broken shell of a man, pride gone from him. "I know a guy who likes you baby, a wealthy guy who likes you." He tosses the empty bottle across the room, "He offered me a lot of money if you would spend one night with him."

You are in the middle of a swig of beer, and spray it a bit when you hear this. "You mean?"

"Yes baby, I do mean that." Your dad continues, "it would be one night, acting as his wife, doing what he wants to do to your body. It would be prostitution Vixxen, or little different from it."

"How much did he offer you dad?" You ask. You wonder how he could ask, but you know the answer, he is losing everything. But then he is letting you go, freely letting you live where you want. You could live with Lisa, you imagine nights in her house, waking up and sneaking a shot at her dad's big dick. For one night with some guy you can do that, and maybe your dad catches a break as well?

"Ten thousand dollars Vixxen." Your dad says, your eyes widen, fuck that is a lot of money. "That's a lot, but he knows it isn't likely with more normal pay."

"OK Dad." You say, quietly.

"Eh?" Your step dad replies, he is pretty drunk now, you are not very sober yourself.

"I will do it for the money, you get to rehab, I will find a friend to live with." This causes a smile from your dad, and then more sadness. "call him, or whatever you have to do."

Your step dad hugs you and kisses you on the cheek, "You are a good girl Vixxen. Whatever happens, know that I am sorry." And walks away dialing his cell phone.

Your phone buzzes, it is Mr. Green, "Vixxen get your ass out of there, what is taking so long?"

"I think it will be tomorrow, my step dad is not that bad, there was a good reason. I will come over tomorrow, but I will need a place long term. My step dad suggested it when we have to move."

"There is always a good reason, be careful. Try to come tonight, or now. Your dad is coming." Mr. Green replies. He is watching over you on your dad's security system right now.

Your step dad comes back into the living room, "I need to take you to him, can you clean up and wear something nice?" He walks up and hands you a beer and a tiny little pill with a happy face on it, "Also take this, it will make it easier for you baby, it is ecstasy."

You look at the pill and back to your dad, not liking this idea one little bit. "It won't hurt you Vixxen, it will make this easier for you." You pop the pill and head to the shower, then you squeeze into a tight little red dress you bought the year before, making it fit very tightly on your curves, and you grab a pair of three inch red heels you have to match and put them on. You can feel your body getting warm, you can actually feel your pussy start to get going, your body is beginning to beg for release. You make yourself up quickly and do the best you can with your hair on short notice, and use some perfume and body spray and head back tot he living room.

Your phone starts buzzing as you put it in a small red purse, you carry your phone, your keys, and a little money, nothing else. Your step dad sees you and reacts, "Holy crap you are beautiful, just like your mom Vixxen."

You glance at your phone, it is Mr. Green again, "What was that pill, why the dressing up Vixxen? DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN!!"

Your dad is doing his best, Mr. Green doesn't get it, he probably just wants to fuck you again tonight. Tomorrow big boy you think, as you turn your phone off. Your dad takes you to your car and you head out at a brisk speed. "Where is this guy?" You ask.

"Not close Vixxen, it will be a few minutes." You see a bulge in your step dad's pants, maybe it is the weed, the beer or the ecstasy, but right now you want that dick badly. You have one hand between your legs, you are trying to find release in a subtle manner, but you end up with your legs spread and your tits out playing with yourself in the front seat of your dad's car. "Well someone can't handle their ecstasy Vixxen," He says, grabbing your left hand from between your legs, he licks your fingers and then places your hand on his cock, which you find to be out of his shorts.

You turn and see his cock and it is too much, it isn't pretty like Mr. Greens, but it is big and black, and you see pre-cum on the tip of it. You abandon masturbation and lean over and start sucking his cock. You skip right past any warm up and go straight to face fucking, furiously sucking while jacking him with one and then both hands. "Oh yeah baby, here is comes," He says, as a large and bitter load of cum enters your mouth, you do not slow your pace and suck his cock until you are sure you have all of his cum. You then come back up from his lap and smile, "Well that takes care of one of us, what about me?" You do not even know why you are saying this sort of thing. This man raised you, put his dick in your mouth while sleeping and videoed you naked, but right then you don;t care, you need more dick.

Your step dad pulls over on a side road, and finds a secluded spot, and puts you on all fours in the back seat of your car and enters you doggy style, having flipped your dress up over your ass. He fucks you very hard, thrusting with all of his strength, you realize he is probably making up for lost time in his mind. He lasts about ten minutes, and doesn't warn you, you feel him fill your pussy with his cum.

A few minutes later you are back in your seat, a little better off for having had some sex, but hardly satisfied. But you have the taste of cum in your mouth again today, and somehow you have yet another man's cum in your pussy as well.

Your step dad gets back on the highway, and drives you to a decent house in a bigger town. He get's out with you and walks you to the door, which is answered by a charming looking old white man, on the smaller side but decent looking. He is a few inches shorter than you without heels, maybe 5'5", and is not large at all, very thin. "Hello there Walter, Vixxen I presume?"

"Yes it is, here she is, as promised.' The older man hands your dad a thick envelope, which your step dad briefly counts before turning to leave. "Call me tomorrow and I will come get you Vixxen, thank you, and I am sorry for everything." With that he is out the door, and a minute later tearing out of the driveway in your car.

"That is a stunning dress darling, please remove it." The old man tells you. He might be seventy, but he speaks with confidence and authority.

"Here? Right here in the open?" You ask.

"Yes dear, right where you stand." He tells you, "Time to get a good look at your assets."

You do as you are told, and he closely examines your body, before walking you upstairs to a large bedroom. "Please use the shower and clean up, and please rinse your mouth." He says this pointing at a well furnished bathroom. "I can see your step dad made use of your body, and I can smell cum on your breath, that will not do for your client. Not at all."

"You aren't the client?" You ask.

"Oh no dear, not at all. Although I expect I will indulge myself with your fantastic body from time to time." He turns to leave, "I will have one of my assistants drop by and see that you are ready, do get along and clean up."

You hop in the shower, and brush your teeth and rinse your mouth out, opening all new soap, toothpaste and mouthwash as you do, and you use a brand new toothbrush. When you get out you realize you left your dress downstairs, you have nothing to wear.

You go to open the door and find it locked. The closet is locked, the drawers don;t open, the window has tiny bars on the inside, which match the decor so well you would not otherwise know they were there. "What the fuck is this?" You sat to nobody in particular.

"Your new home." You hear behind you, seeing a slightly larger, but by no means big white man inside your room, you did not even hear the door open and shut. He is around thirty years old, 5'8", well built for his height, maybe 180 lbs. He is a serious looking man.

"You will remain naked at all times unless told otherwise. Your meals will be taken with our other servers in the main dining room. You will use the gym facility on site as to maintain a good physique, you are off to a good start, but we will keep an eye on your fitness." He says, off of memory.

"I am just here for one night, I think you have made a mistake." You respond, shit, your phone is with your purse, with your clothing.

"You will service clients as they are sent to you. Gender, race, hygiene and appearance will not be considered. Whomever the boss sends into this room." He continues, as if you had said nothing. "Service clients well and your treatment will be as it is right now. A room such as this, comforts, healthy food, and somewhat limited requirements of service."

He can see you are not getting it, he cocks and eyebrow and looks at you. "Your step dad sold you to my employer, you are now his property to use as he sees fit. You have been purchased to serve as a whore for the household, you will take care of paying customers, staff as required, and any special guests we direct you to."

"Look here asshole," You start, stopping abruptly when the man approaches you and draws his fist back. His eyes have no life, there is no compassion in him you think.

"Listen here you little black bitch, you are a whore, get it through your head." The man snarls as he speaks, "Your step dad lied to you to get you to us, now you are going nowhere." This man is scary, the anger in his eyes is maybe the most frightening thing you have ever seen.

The man puts a finger to his ear, you see a little wire coming out of it. "Yes sir, that is affirmative." He looks square into your eyes. "Roger that sir." He then starts taking off his clothing, quickly and efficiently, folding everything he takes off meticulously. When he has put everything else away he places his hand on the wall by the closet and it opens, and he puts his clothing inside, and you hear it lock again.

"The boss has asked me to show you how things will be. Normally the boss get's first crack, today I get the prize." He says, approaching you. "Let me tell you how your days will go from now on whore. Once per day on most days both the boss and I will fuck you in any way that pleases us. You will remain on the pill, and he and I will use protection, all other male clients and guests will also wear a condom. Unless they pay more for an additional service."

You back away from him as he approaches, but he is not bothered, he continues to talk. "Clients can pay for you to swallow their cum, or for the ability to cum inside your pussy. This is costly, and is not common." He continues, now getting close, you are out of room to retreat back to, your back is against a wall. "Expect to swallow the bosses and my cum every day. Expect to eat pussy every day, the head mistress for our whores is a dyke, and she does enjoy the girls." Fuck me you think, this must be a dream.

"Lastly there are consequences, which you will incur when you displease us, I would not suggest trying it." He says. These will vary from allowing some or all of the extra staff to enjoy you, featuring you in a gang bang on premise, or even from time to time our whores have been made to drink the semen of every man on site. You really do not want to go down that road."

You are fighting back tears, what the fuck do you do now?

"One girl was made to suck a horse's dick to completion, one of the ones we have on premise, the other whores were of course made to watch." The man continues, obviously disgusted by the thought. "When she was finished she was of course tainted, and was then sold to a local pimp, and likely placed on the street." He takes a long look at your body, the beauty of your face.

"You are seventeen, many good years ahead of you in our service." He says, leering at your naked body, his dick rock hard. "I would bet that we would sell you to whore to one of the Arabs that frequent this place. They tend to like darker skin, I think they will love fucking you."

Day 1 Inventory:

Phone, wallet.

Time 7:00
Money $00
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