My Life//Molly

From Create Your Own Story

< My Life
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You stretch and yawn as your alarm clock goes off disturbing the early morning peace of the house. You sit up the bed covers falling off, you hear the movement of your mother as she wanders arpund getting ready for work. It's been 3 years since your dad left and you don't miss him one bit after the way he used to treat you and your mother. You shake your head to clear all thought of him todays your first day at college and you can't wait especially getting to meet everyone.

You get ready and head downstairs to find breakfast on the table. "Thanks mum" you say as you sit down rushing it a bit with excitement, she just smiles and goes back to getting ready. She doesn't talk anymore the doctors saying it was shock related. You sigh and finish your breakfast, calling out a goodbye before you leave.

You get to the bus stop to find several other people of your age there. You smile at them then look at the timetable suddenly realising you have no idea which bus to get. You turn around to the others "hey do you know which bus it is to get to the college?" one of the boys responds "sure it's the..."

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