Option 2: Re-position the can to stop the fuel leak, spending more time in the sun.

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk over to the dump, take the jerrycan out of the pile with a struggle, before standing it upright and leaning it back onto the pile. You didn't want to let a jerrycan leak like that. Especially not in the desert.

On your walk back, you ponder whether it was worth the extra pain or not.

You enter the tent where the rest of your crew was. You saw them sitting around a table with crew members from other tanks. You saw your commander Kaleb Strassmann sitting with the loader Benedikt, who was also his brother. There were other commanders there as well, but nothing too special.

That is until you saw Wolfhard Kottmann. He was the commander of this current division, an Oberst. He was the commander of one of three Tigers, and a good friend with Kaleb. He noticed you and smiled warmly, waving you over. The rest of the group continued to talk amongst themselves over beverages and food. You wouldn't lie, you were a bit nervous. Anyone would be if the Oberst called them over, in any situation.

He pulled a seat out from under the table and gestured to it. You sat in it, keeping your red-hot back off the chair's backpiece. Wolfhard turned his seat to face you and sat up, looking at you with a warm smile and a calm face.

"Guten tag. Drink?" He offered you what seemed to be water. You nodded and drank it, trying to savour it due to your dry mouth. "So I was talking with your commander, and he's been saying good things about you, mainly on your accuracy. I just wanted to personally congratulate you. And also give you an offer."

First you were flattered, but now you're just shocked. And offer from the Oberst? What could it be? You decided to listen intently to see what he has to say. "My own gunner is currently in the infirmary due to some wounds, and the doctors say that he'll be there for a while. So I wanted to ask you...did you want to be his replacement? It will be temporary, but you'll get some good action, I can tell you that much."

Now you were really shocked. Gunner of a Tiger? With the Oberst's crew? You never thought of being in this current position. Before you could respond, a soldier burst into the tent as sudden explosions and gunfire ensued.

"Sir, we're under attack! It's the British!" He yelled, before running back out of the tent. You, the Oberst and the others rushed out of the tent, entering what could be put as utter madness. Explosions were going off everywhere, people were running around in confusion, getting shot down, and even worse, there seemed to be very small dots in the sky off in the distance. Planes.

"Oberst! Do we have any anti-air platforms or aircraft support?" You say to Wolfhard. Before he could respond, A group of four planes, looking like perhaps BF 109's maybe G/2-trops, droned over your camp and towards the aircraft in the distance. One seemed to tip sideways as a salute, and you couldn't help but smile.

Someone called you, and when you look over to it's source, you see Wolfhard in the commanders cupola of a Tiger 1, waving you over furiously.

Normally, you would just stare, but in this time of combat, with explosions and gunfire, you had no time to gawk. You sprinted over to the tank and clambered up the side of the hull. You opened the entry hatch and lowered yourself into the turret. You managed to seat yourself into the gunners seat, and the first thing you noticed was how much bigger the cannon breech was. You also noticed how much more room you had.

"You're gonna have get used to this tank pretty quickly, gunner. We've already got our first target. Over by the village across the river, north-west." You heard Wolfhard say. You looked through the scope, and saw that it was also better than your past Panzer IV. You were beginning to like this change.

"Driver, forward 300 metres near the river's edge." You heard Wolfhard over the radio. The Tiger's engine roared, there was a clunk and the tank jerked forward a little then began to head off. The engine was louder that what you were used to, but you soon became accustomed to it.

After a bit of time, the Tiger came to a stop at the riverside. It was facing the seemingly deserted village with it's 7-foot high walls. You weren't so sure though and once you looked through your scope, you saw the outline of two different tanks:

An Archer tank destroyer, and a Mk VI Crusader.

"Alright gunner, got two targets. Since it's your first day in the gunners seat, I'll let you pick. Just choose wisely." You heard Wolfhard say, before you heard another person say:

"Verpiss dich nicht." It was the loader.

So what's your chosen target?

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