FHJill/Touch his leg

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:45, 25 October 2017 by Freespeech (Talk | contribs)
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You encourage Jill to touch her father's leg between his knee and massive erection being covered by his underwear. She reaches out and feels a shock of pleasure run through her body. Her father sleeps through the touch so she moves her hand closer. She gets her hand close enough to feel his balls through his underwear.

She is about to go further when her father mumbles and starts to wake up. She removes her hand quickly and tells her father it is time to wake up. Her father mumbles something, but she cannot tell what it is. She hopes he goes back to sleep so she can try to feel his cock again, but he starts to sit up.

Jill gets a change of clothes and heads to the bathroom to shower. As she removes all of her clothes she catches some movement at the door. She uses the mirror to find out what it was. Part of her was hoping it was her father with that massive dick, but that part vanished quickly as she saw her brother peaking in on her for the second day in a row.

You have Jill:

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