Male Fledgling Vampire (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Adrian Fox. You've scruffy, blond hair, and thought you had a fairly chubby body until you woke up this morning. You're now quite well-toned, and you're not quite sure why. Something happened last night, but what it was is lost to you. You work as an apprentice blacksmith at your local smithy, and you don't really remember coming home from there last night.

As you look in the mirror at your new rock-hard abs and beefy biceps, you realise your missing memories are almost certainly connected to your sudden gains. You decide heading to the smithy might yield some clues as to what happened to you. You move over to your wardrobe to get dressed, but as you do, light breaking in through your curtains burns at your skin. It comes as quite a shock, and you jump back into the relative darkness. There are visible burns on your skin where the light touched it. You quickly put the facts together, diagnosing your condition. You know of vampires, and your unbeating heart sinks as you realise you're one of them.

You hear a knock at your door. You realise exactly whom it must be. Your sire, the one who turned you, has come to check if they were successful. You move towards your door. To combat the light bleeding in, you throw a large coat over yourself. You grasp the door handle. Turning it, you reveal the vampire on the other side.

You see…

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