
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:37, 9 October 2017 by Freespeech (Talk | contribs)

You hope your sister has not checked her email. If she has, she is going to make your life a living hell. Especially over the next 3 days. Your parents are gone for their anniversary and won't be back until late Sunday. You brother is away at school. That means between today, Friday, and Sunday, it will be just the 2 of you.

Your sister gets home shortly after you accidentally sent the pictures to her. At first, she doesn't say anything. You hope you are in the clear. Unfortunately, it does not take long for your hope to fade.

Your sister says, "Nice pictures you sent me, sis. I almost shared them with John." John is her boyfriend.

You feel the color drain from your face. Quickly, you say, "Please get rid of them."

Your sister smiles and says, "That is not going to happen. They are too good to just get rid of."

You feel your face turn red, then say, "Please, I will do anything."

She continues to smile, then says, "Well, when you put it that way. There is one thing I can think of."

You feel a little hope as you say, "Name it."

Your sister gets a strange look on her face that you can't quite place. Then says, "Well, sis, I've never been with a woman, but always wanted to try it."

You don't understand what she is saying. You ask, "What?"

Your sister says, "I said, sis, I have never been with a woman, sexually. I want to try it with you."

You can't believe what she is asking of you. Your face goes completely white from shock. You manage to say, "We can't have sex. It would be wrong. You are my sister. Besides, I am not a lesbian and you have a boyfriend, so I know you aren't one either."

Your sister continues with that strange look as she says, "There is a first time for everything."

You say, "I can't do that. There has to be something else."

Your sister gets a stern look on her face and says, "There is nothing else. Either we act like lesbians for the weekend, or I send the pictures to mom and dad."


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