D&D: FHR: The cloaked merchant : "Let's see how far you are willing to go...."

From Create Your Own Story

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You can tell from the dark glint in his eye where this is going already. "Show me your goods, and I'll show you mine. I'll see whether you think it is worth it."

Reluctantly you unbutton your tunic, quickly shouldering off the top and baring yourself to the man. You've done far worse for less so you might as well see what he is offering.

A disturbing smile creeps across his face, causing even you to blush. You notice he is surprisingly young, and definitely of noble blood. It's a surprise to you how unabashed he is at the whole situation, given how prude his kind can be. Just before the moment gets really awkward however, he pulls out a large scroll and unravels it. You start to re-adjust your top but he pointedly stops. "Ah ah ah, not just yet." You do what this man says, for now. If only he could show you the damned thing!

Slowly it unravels, though your astute mind quickly figures this is the blueprint for an entrance way to some kind of vault. An expensive one at that! The traps here must be the work of a genius with crazy funding, so you know it would take a little while of studying before you could truly understand the traps. As the blue-print fully unravels, you see a signature: KL.O. Your hearts quickly jumps to lodge itself in your throat. KL.O. KL.O. KL.O.

KL.O was only the finest mechanic in all of Waterdeep, no, in all of North Faerun.

So. That explains the genius, and as your eyes roll from top to bottom, your heart sinks as quickly to your stomach as it did to wedge itself in your throat as you realize where the crazy funding came from. This is not just any vault, but the Royal Vault! You quickly snatch the plans up, not even bothering now with modesty, your bare chest heaving in a strong combination of fear and excitement. As far as you can tell these are legitimate, but why would this man have them, let alone be giving them away? You ask as such, after getting his attention away from your rising and falling breasts with a sharp snap of your fingers.

"Well, I'm his apprentice, and he tasked me with finding a thief to audit his work." You can't help but be slightly doubtful. This man wasn't eccentric enough to capture even the slightest mark that KL.O left down. Regardless, the apprentice continues.

"He has a policy, you see. If someone can break in, they can keep as much as they want and Master KL.O will reimburse the client before leaving the business for good. The thief would get off scot-free, a 'tip-of-the-hat', as Master KL.O describes it, to an equal professional who beat him. That equal...could be you."

You only have the entrance way in your hands. He most likely doesn't have any more on him in fear of theft. You sigh and ask what he might possibly want for the rest of the pieces. To be frank, you'd be prepared to do just about anything for what could be the biggest score in your life, and what have you got to lose? A scrap of dignity? A virginity that you had long ago discarded? All of these things are worth nothing to the idea of being able to not only steal from the Lords of Waterdeep but even best the legendary KL.O!

"We'll start with a night where you do anything I say. We'll see if you've earned it by then. Of course, if you decide you don't want it after all, you can say a safeword and be off, I suppose." He smiles another one of his stomach-churning smiles.

You can always leave if you want to, so you accept his deal. Even if the bastard tries to go back on his word, you can fight him off.

He makes his first command.

D&D: FHR: The cloaked merchant : "Why don't we go back to my place? Oh, but first..."

D&D: FHR: The cloaked merchant : "Why don't you get on your whore knees and show me just how much you want this?"

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