Let the man though to get help (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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"Go right on through," you say. "There's healers in the city. Look for a church, and you'll find them."

"No, I need you two," the man refuses.

"Surely healers would be of more use to you than two guards. Plus, we can't leave our post."

"You..." he says, but then stops. "Then I'll just have to make you leave."

He draws his sword from his hip. He's on you in a heartbeat, too fast for you to react. He pins you to the stone pillar beside the gate, his sword at your throat.

"So, not a knight then?" you say. "There was probably no dragon either, right?"

The man chuckles. "No, just a bunch of horny bandits looking for some unlucky girls to fuck. West gate's got women guards, they said, so here I came. Easy pickings."

A knife suddenly slits the man's throat. He falls down, his sword clattering as it hits the floor. As he falls out of view, you see your partner standing there, her hand holding the knife, flicks of deep scarlet in her freshly brushed blonde hair.

"I..." she mumbles. "I killed him... I've never killed anyone before! I..."

She may have just saved your life. You place a comforting hand on her shoulder, stepping over the man's body.

"It's okay, Diana," you say. "It was him or me. You did the right thing."

She drops her knife, and you move her away from the body. You gently sit her down against the other gatepost. Her eyes don't break from the sight of the man laying lifelessly on the ground.

"He wanted to rape us..." she whimpers. "He... If you'd gone with him, he'd have raped you."

"Yes," you say. "And you saved me from that. He would have killed me, raped me or both. You did the right thing."

She looks at you with a horrified look to her face, her blue eyes welling up with tears. "How can you say that? I could have knocked him out, or..."

"If you'd tried to knock him out, you might have failed. We'd then both be dead or raped or both."

"I did the right thing. Yeah... I did the right thing. Have you ever... killed anyone before? It's not sitting right with me."

"I killed a bandit once. I was fourteen. He was eighteen. I'd been hired by a farmer to protect his livestock, and this lone bandit came along to steal one. He didn't know I was there until it was too late. I struck him in the neck with the farmer's axe. Most people would've agreed with my actions, but it still disturbed me. What I did then was worse than what you did now. I saved a cow who was going to die anyway from being eaten by another man. You saved me from... quite a horrible fate, and I thank you for that."

By her face, she seems to be coming round to the idea, but she still looks distressed. Perhaps she need better comfort than mere words can bring.

Do you…

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