Explore under her skirt (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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You crack her a cheesy grin. "You're on."

You need to go big if you really want to leave an impression. You know exactly what to do to do just that. To her shock, you dive down and make your way underneath her skirt. She blushes hard, looking around to make sure no one saw.

"That's not necessarily what I had in—"

She gasps loudly as your hands find the front end of her stripy underwear. Your touch is gentle and small. Your right hand rests on her nib, massaging it with your thumb through the fabric of her underwear. It hardens at your touch. Eleanor stops walking lest your gentle playing bring her to fall. You see a patch of wetness spring at her crotch, and smile at the implications.

"A little excitable, yeah?" you ask.

"I'm very sensitive," she whispers back.

For some reason, the naïve elf thinks such a revelation will cause you to be extra gentle to her. She could hardly be more wrong. It just makes you want to play even more. You release your touch on Eleanor's womanly nib, giving her cause to believe you've shown her mercy. But you aren't done. You move up a little, and grab at the waistband of her underwear. As she begins walking again, you worm your way headfirst into her underwear. You turn to face inwards, upside down with your wings retracted, and carefully crawl down towards her delicate area. The air feels quite warm, and it smells a little misty. You wonder if that's an indication of how she'd taste. You don't bother wasting time pondering the thought, though. You get hands-on—or rather, mouth-on—wrapping your tiny lips around Eleanor's 'sensitive' woman-button, and giving it a few dainty licks. You hear a stifled yelp, and see her legs stop moving.

"Ooh... I need to walk, fairy," Eleanor complains.

"You need this more," you mumble back, your lips not breaking much from their position.

Eleanor looks out at the rest of her clan. She's quite behind, but no one seems to have noticed. She might be able to break off for a little without arousing much suspicion. A pleased murmur escapes her lips as she tries to decide. It makes the decision for her, and she stops walking. She crouches down, spreading her legs for you. You fall a little as she does, sliding down her crotch. Your head lines up with her opening. If you were her size, there'd be quite a few options available to you to make her squeal, you think. As it stands, the obvious ones aren't options for you. You'll have to more creative, and you have just the idea. You touch your tiny hands to her, and spread her pink folds. The misty smell of sweat and desire permeate further, and the heat increases. You take in the aroma, and gently bring up your head to her hole. Being nearly a foot in length, your body is the perfect size for filling an elf-sized girl, you realise. You know what to do. You go headfirst in. It's quite snug and is a bit of a struggle at first, but you push through and in. She quivers around you, and another stifled moan breaks through her clenched teeth. You push further into her, delving into her tight depths. You use a Spell of Inventory to transport your clothes to the ether in an effort to slip better in. Her juices coat you from head to toe, allowing you greater ability to stuff yourself inside. With just your feet dangling outside, your head pushes up against the entrance to her womb. You laugh a little at the absurdity of what you're doing.

"Why?" you hear a muffled voice say.

"Am I too big?" you cheekily reply.

"You're in my..."

"I certainly am, ya cutie. Though, I could hardly pound you. I did just think of a pleasurable alternative, however."

"You stuffed yourself in me without even considering how to get me off?"

You giggle. "Maybe."

"I can feel your voice... in me..."

"Sounds hot... How about I get you off now, huh? I've got a sexy spell up my sleeve. Well, my metaphorical sleeve; I am completely naked."

"Do it."

You smile, and wrap your arms around yourself. You give Eleanor's walls a cheeky lick before you begin your spell. Channeling your magic through your body, you begin to vibrate. Your whole body shakes rapidly. Eleanor feels it. She falls forwards, onto her hands and knees, as you send spikes and waves of pleasure through her. She covers her mouth with her hand, falling onto her elbows. Soft moans erupt from within. She tightly shuts her eyes, and begins jittering at your vibrating touch. The moans she was trying so hard to quieten break free, with one hand going down her skirt, and the other moving to help keep her up. Her fingers grace the button your hands and lips had breifly been introduced to just before. She begins softly toying with it as you rumble through her. Her hips buck as your spell sends ripples of intense pleasure through her. She begins to shake as well, her whole body in a state of euphoria. Her walls tighten around you, and you hear her moans become glorious shrieks as she climaxes. Her wetness increases tremendously, coating you with thick, sticky juice. You cease your spell, setting her free from your orgasmic stranglehold. You decide to taste the honey coating you, just because you can.

"Are you alright?" a male voice asks.

"Fine," Eleanor replies. "Just, uh... stomach cramps. That's all."

Did he hear her busting her lady-nut? Wow, that's hot. Maybe he could stand to hear a little more. He wouldn't know what was happening if I stayed outta sight.

Do you…

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