Mercurius and his sister (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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When two o'clock rolls around, two other gatekeepers come to relieve you and your partner. You go back to the barracks together, where your captain gives you two your week's wages. You then split up, as she heads home and you make your way to 8 Church Road. The city is quite lively during this hour. With parents headed out to collect their children from school, and plenty of people starting or ending their lunch breaks, it isn't your favourite time to walk the streets. There are just too many people about. Church Road is different. A purely residential street save for the curch on the corner, there's no one about. It's eerily quiet compared to the street you turned onto it from. You walk along until reaching Number 8. It's quite the large house, the kind you'd expect a fairly successful businessman to own. Of course, Mercurius had mentioned that it actually belonged to his sister.

You approach the door, and give it a hearty knock. You're about half an hour early, but you're sure Mercurius won't mind. You wait a bit, then hear the sound of the lock turning. The door opens, but it isn't Mercurius at the door. Instead, there's a girl. She's got shoulder-length blonde hair, and the same piercing blue eyes as Mercurius. You quickly piece together that she must be his sister, though she's about the same age as him, so possibly his twin. She's wearing a simple, yellow dress, and has nothing on her feet.

"Can I help you?" she asks.

"Uh, I'm looking for Mercurius," you say.

The girl squints.

"You are? You don't exactly look like you need his help."

"I don't understand. I'm not looking for his help. I'm... Is he in there?"

The girl looks over your shoulder.

"You a guard?" she asks.

You remember how anxious Mercurius was to keep you out of his carriage. There was probably something illegal inside, so telling his sister that you're a guard would probably not go over well. Still, you don't want to lie. Luckily, you're saved from answering. You see Mercurius behind her. He's wearing a shirt and boxers, and nothing else. He's holding a weird vial of a fluorescent, pink liquid. He seems surprised to see you so early.

"You can let him in," he tells her.

She looks back at him. Her eyes spy the pink vial. She looks back at you, then at him again.

"Oh, Mercury, that's just wrong," she says. "In my house...? With an orc...? That's disgusting."

"You don't have to be here," Mercurius replies.

"You're right. Let me grab my shoes. Oh, and keep it to your room. I don't want to touch anything you've... defiled."

Mercurius's sister moves away from the door. She rushes toward the stairs, but as she does, she accidentally bumps Mercurius. The vial he was holding drops from his hands. It shatters as it hits the floor, and the pink liquid goes everywhere. Flicks of it even reach you. It stains your shirt, and vanishes wherever it hit skin. It's almost like it absorbed into you. The same seems to have happened to Mercurius and his sister. Their cloths have pink splotches everywhere, but their skin seems clean.

"Shit," Mercurius's sister mutters. "I... That was accident."

"Holy crap," Mercurius replies. "You need to run. Run before it—"

"Dude, you know it's too late for that. It doesn't work on siblings, does it?"

Mercurius shrugged.

"We'd better hope not... Ah!"

There's suddenly a considerable bulge in Mercurius's trousers. You raise an eyebrow.

"What is that stuff?" you ask.

Your question is answered for you. Like Mercurius, you're suddenly bulging in the crotch area. Your bulge is noticeably bigger, though. You feel utter lust wash over you, but it's undirected.

Or, at least, it was until you looked at...

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