The Mind Controlling Device/, because you are the 39-year old father of the family.

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< The Mind Controlling Device
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Your wife ask you to take out the garbage. Rather than argue you take the trash out. You are about to enter the house, when you see a sudden movement in the corner of your eye. You look again but you figure it's a cat or something. You go around the corner of the house and jump back as you suddenly stare into a single wide lens. A weird looking robot is just standing there and watching you. His lens retracts into its hole as he begins to speak.

Robot: "Hello there, earthling."

You: "Um, hello?"

Robot: "I fear I do not have a lot of time to explain, but I need to ask you a favor."

You: "Um, okay?"

Robot: "Take this device and hide it."

The robot hands you a little device that looks pretty much like a wristwatch. You start to ask yourself if this might be a prank from one of your work buddies, “Daryl” you think but you decide to go with it.

Robot: "It is utterly important that the Sylex do not get their hands on it. They are robots, like me, but they are evil."

As you do not seem to show the reaction the robot was going for, he repeats: "EVIIIIL!" And then, with a sudden POOF! the robot disappears. Okay, most definitely a prank, you think to yourself as you look at the little watch. It does not show the time or anything and it also doesn't have any buttons. It seems quite useless, but you try it on nevertheless. As you try it on, you suddenly feel a slight pain in your wrist that vanishes again quickly. You look at it and now the display is completely green. You can't really say why but you don't think Daryl would have… gone to such great length...who knows. You go back into the house and sit down at the table. Your 15 yr old son, Timmy, is sitting there finishing breakfast. Your 37-year-old wife, Kathy, is standing in the kitchen and making pancakes. "Lisa, breakfast!", she shouts. Lisa is youngest and pretty sure not yours. She is 12yrs, long black hair but you love her all the same. Your wife and you have both decided to stop having kids. You have had a vasectomy and she has had her tubes tied. You also have a oldest daughter, 19 years old. She is a step daughter from your wife's earlier life. You met her when she had Samantha and you have always considered her your daughter. You two are really close and she trust you with everything. She doesn't live at home anymore, although she goes to the local college in town. She decided to move into a small apartment closer to the college a few months ago.

Kathy:“ Steven could you go get Lisa up. I have a few things I need to do today and I am going to Lisa with me as a Mother daughter fun day ” as you give her a good morning kiss. You get an instant chubb. “Mother daughter fun…” you think. “ that has more meaning for me i am sure.”

You go upstairs you can either wake her up or Jerk off in the bathroom a little?

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