Hot and Horny/Josh goes to practice

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Go to practice: You run upstairs and grab your gear. Since Mom has volleyball practice today, she’ll be going with you. Feeling guilty, you try to avoid looking at Mom, instead staring out the window while you two chat in the car. On arrival, Mom goes to watch from the stands, as her practice starts in an hour, while you begin. It’s a typically brutal practice that leaves everyone exhausted.

You and your team collapses onto the ground for 15 minute break at exactly noon. Coincidentally, your mother and her team begin their practice at the same time. Your’s, and you’re positive everyone else’s, eyes are on the line of women, clad in matching red bikinis and marching towards the sand court. You see your teammates’ mothers Mrs. Klopfer and Mrs. Polsuger, as well as the new biology teacher, Victoria Tuore. However you find gaze drawn towards your mom.

Her body has been beautifully toned and shaped by years of volleyball and exercise. She turns and gives you a big smile, her full breasts jiggling slightly. You feel terribly guilty…Jessica’s right, you must be a weirdo for staring at your mother. But you can’t help but stare as they begin to stretch. You look around and feel a little less guilty, as your teammates seem to be in similar straits. Luckily Coach Hernandez soon comes out of his office and you restart practice.

Both practices end at 1:30, and you end up at the back of the line for the showers next to your tantalizing mother. “Hi honey!” she says cheerily as rivulets of sweat run down her flushed body.

“Hi Mom, uhh, how was practice?” You can’t help but glance down…her top has to be a size too small.

“Oh, it was great baby, we worked hard, practiced a few drills, talked about our match next week…” Her nipples- ‘Her nipples?’ you think, ‘you’re thinking about your mom’s nipples you weirdo?’

“That’s great Mom," you say, looking up and smiling.

“I thought so too. Well, I’ll see you in a bit,” she says, disappearing into the female side of the showers. You stand alone and troubled outside, considering your options:

You are:
Josh, age 18
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