CYS: comply and get some food

From Create Your Own Story

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You want answers, but the look on his face, plus the shit going on outside, is enough to make you comply for now. You use the Flashlight to show the way, and head downstairs to the kitchen. While in the Kitchen, you go through the pantry taking all the canned food and other nonperishable foods. You stuff the food into a bag on the counter until its full. As you Walk back to the stairs, you glance outside the front windows. The glowing red fog as mostly enveloped the mountain, as you watch, red lightning seems to burst forth from the fog and striking the forest. People seem to be walking out of their houses, most pointing at the fog and shouting. Many seem to just jump in their cars and drive away. Others run inside, shutting their doors. You sigh, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and head back to Fred. He thanks you for the food and puts it in the backpack, before slinging on his back. He glances out the window, before looking back to you " So, we have to leave. Once we get somewhere safe and secure, i will tell you EVERYTHING. OK?" You shake your head " i need to know what the hell is going on before i can go out there. If you want my help out there, your going to have to answer some questions. " Fred looks out the window silently, seemingly thinking. You are about to snap at him when he responds " your right, but I don't have time to explain it. So here's a summary. You said it looks like the apocalypse? Well your not far off. An explosion happened over the mountains, around GEPS, and it was huge. It shook the buildings in the City, and released the weird red toxin through the air. Soon the power went out and martial law was enforced. Then it got worse. People began changing in the city, going 'feral' and and attacking and doing horrible things to people. Soon the military began evacuating the city, but by then it was too late. I got out before it was to late but I've seen some shit. Had to kill a guy, dude just attacked me and wouldn't stop... " he paused and looked at his hands, shaking a little before continuing " I needed a gun, and wanted to get you, so two birds and one stone. And I would tell you more but we got to go, I don't know how long before people start going feral around here, so for the love of god let's get going " with that, his grin returns when Fred looks at you expectantly, you realize he is waiting for you to tell him where to go. Annoyed that he won't tell you whats wrong, but still wants you to find out whats safe or not, you consider your options.

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