Masochist me/Sex training/The teacher

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The remaining students gave their reasons for being in class, and it was time to find partners. I sat there, focusing on my desk, as others partnered up. One of the single guys approached me, asking if I was willing to partner with him. I glanced out of him out of the corner of my eye, saw a look of interest, but said nothing, still mortified at what I had said, and still enjoying the sensation. I honestly wanted to tell him yes, and in fact, wished I could do more, but I was unable to move. He misread my silence, and went on to find another partner, leaving me alone.

The instructor approached my desk. "Well, I guess it is you and me," he started out with. "Unfortunately, when we have hands on training, that means that you will be the one that needs to work with me to instruct the others, to show techniques, things like that. This will put you right at the front of everything. Are you okay with that?"

By now I had regained my equilibrium, so was able to respond. "Yes," I said, barely above a whisper, while nodding yes, it was okay for me.

"About your reason, I would like to see you after class to discuss that." I nodded yet again, feeling myself flush.

Once that was done, he started the lesson.

Start the lesson on kissing
Start the lesson on touching
Start the lesson on erogenous zones
Start the lesson on stripping and stripteases
Start the lesson on heavy petting
Start the lesson on oral
Start the lesson on sex

Another link that I really like for research:

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