The Age of Pirates

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked and in the past

You look around, trying to understand where you are, but when you try to arise off the cold, wet ground, you quickly fall due to the ground moving beneath you.

After taking a few moments to find your footing, you realise why the ground was moving. Because it wasn't ground! You're on a ship in the middle of the ocean! Luckily for you, it's currently night time and it seems that most of the crew is asleep below deck. As you look around in hopes of discovering which ship your on, you see a terrible sight.

At the top of the mast is a black flag with a skull and crossbones on it. You're on a pirate ship! With any luck, you can find somewhere to hide on this ship before the pirates realise you're on board. You decide to make your way over to the stairs that dip into the bowels of the ships, hoping to hide in the cargo hold until either the bracelet times out or help arrives. Just as you reach them, however, you run into a man dressed in loose fitting clothes, holding a lantern in his hand, knocking you down.

As you recover from the impact, you hear him yell "OI! WAKE UP GENTS! THERE'S A NAKED BIRD ON DECK!"

"Bugger," you think. "Now what to I do?"

Do you...

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