High School/Floater Toby

From Create Your Own Story

< High School
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Ah, Toby Matthews, the hottest guy in school. His golden blond hair is slicked back and his eyes are light brown like melting caramel. He's tall and handsome with the body of a Greek god. You heard a rumor that he made a girl cum just by looking at her. He's also quarterback for the football team.

You walk over to him confidently. You give him your best smile, "Hey, Toby."

"What's up?" he asks, smiling back.

You open your mouth to respond but before you get out a word, Kelsey Shawsen steps between you and Toby.

"What are you doing?" she glares. "Wait, wait, were you about to talk to him?" she gestures towards Toby. She pushes you back a step. "As if he'd actually get with you!" She turns to Toby, "C'mon, sweetie, let's ditch this queer." She grabs his wrist and leads him away reluctantly. He looks back at you.

You can't get to Toby without first getting rid of Kelsey. How will you do this?

Get Kelsey kicked off the cheerleading team

Find a more "permanent" solution

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

School Clothes, Backpack, The Art of War

Status Scorned
Gender Male
Social Group Floater
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