Go in and threaten the father.

From Create Your Own Story

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You sighlently grab a pocket knife from your duffel bag and stand in front of the dressing room stall. The entry way is blocked from view by a green curtain but you can still see the father's shadow on the curtain. From what you can tell he is facing away from you. You sighlently move the curtain and see him slowly slide a pair of bright white underwear over his firm ass. You step in and quickly close the curtain and he seems to notice you but before he can react you place a hand over his mouth and put the knife to his neck. Out of reflex he grabs onto the arm with the knife.

You tell him if he dose what you say then him and his son will get out of this alive. The man stays sighlent but you can tell he understands. Suddenly you hear the boy step out of his dressing room an you move the father and yourself to the edge of the stall so that your shadows no longer shown through the curtain. The boy stopped right in front of the stall and said. "Dad! Hurry up! Mom and Stacy are probably done by now." You can feel the father stiffen up against you afraid his son might just barge in. You need to get rid of the kid some how.

Tell him his Dad left already

Have The Dad tell his son to leave.

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