Apologize and go back to bed

From Create Your Own Story

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You feel a bit ashamed, not to mention a bit worried that a doctor or nurse will catch you if she keeps screaming, so you pull her gown back down and mutter some apologies while you make your way back to your bed. Susie flashes you a disgusted look and draws the privacy curtain around her bed.

You take a nap and when you wake up, Susie's been moved to another room and your new roommate is a smelly fat man with irritable bowels. You spend the rest of your hospital stay trying to keep your meals down despite the smell. It's so bad you don't even ogle the nurses properly.

Finally, your time in hell comes to a close. The casts are removed and you're set free. After going without for your entire hospital stay, your boner is harder than ever. Rather than go home, you go in search of some fresh pussy.

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