Force him to answer you

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:14, 21 February 2017 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You point gun at him ..."Tell me!"

"No, please I don´t want to think about it again" he says with tears in his eyes.

You are prepared to pull the trigger "Tell me or I will kill you!"


"Tell me!" you shout.

"I betrayed them!" he shouts his answer. You are shocked...

"I was scouting in town when they found me. They wanted to take me as slave, they let me go for information. I told them everything about my group, where is our camp, how many people are in our group ..." he is now crying "Now they are propably dead or in chains".

Well...this was unexpected. You ...

Shoot that traitor!


Calm him, whatever he did doesn´t matter now

Stay...silent, lower your gun

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