M: "You're right. Enough is enough. Open the gates, we surrender."

From Create Your Own Story

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"No! I won't let you!" Walter shrieks from your side, and moves to draw his knife from his scabbard. But he isn't quick enough. Frederick, with one huge, steeled fist, send Walter sprawling to the ground. He relieves him of his weapon as two of the men reluctantly draw the gates up. "You're doing the right thing, sir." Frederick says empathetically. "No more blood."

You greet Godwina at the open gate. She nods respectfully at you as you slowly kneel before her, as custom. "I wasn't expecting this, but I see you are made out of great things, Lord Brokridge. Your father and brother fought well to the last man."

Come nightfall, the army that had been massing at the gates had relocated inside the castle walls. Many of them, mostly officers, poured into the castle proper. You are surprised to notice that little looting seems to be taking place, if any at all. Godwina seems to inspire respect within her troops, a rare leadership quality. About half of the castle staff, including the blacksmiths and guards, have been herded into the dungeons. You and your family have been placed under house arrest. You have been locked in your room at the pinnacle of the castle. Unsurprisingly, the cooks have continued business as usual.

As the stars poke out and the moon rises over the mountains, you are left to mull of your choices, and whether you made the right ones. You hope your family is being treated okay.

Suddenly, the door to your room bangs open, causing you to jump from your seat in alarm. Godwina stumbles in, casting you an impish look. "I wasn't aware that you had been placed in here. My apologies." "That's ok," you reply, trying to muster up your sense of control. "The guest room is on the lower floor." Godwina laughs. You notice she is clinging a bottle of alcohol, which she drops to the floor. "It's Edward, isn't it? I know you're young and all, but you must know that by surrendering to me, I become the de facto ruler of the castle. Which means this room is now," she leans back and closes the door, clicking the lock, "mine." You watch in silence as she crosses to the fireplace you have kept glowing through the evening. She stares into it for a while. You notice she smells faintly of alcohol, obviously intoxicated. Her straw blonde hair has now been let down; and hangs beautifully around her shoulders. "Of course, I am more warrior than noble. These places make me feel weird, so you can share it too, for the time being. I mean, there's plenty of room." She seems to spot something, and crosses over with a gasp. "A bath!" She exclaims, hauling the huge copper tank into the middle of the room like it weighs nothing. "I've been on campaign for so long..." She turns to you, her gaze even more impish. "Since you're the prisoner," she says wryly, "you run it for me."

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