Katie Accident in Art - Katie tells her mother she needs to pee

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:57, 15 November 2016 by Jj32 (Talk | contribs)

Condition Upset Apparel and Items: Orange Jumpsuit, Sneakers, Bag of poopy clothes.
Day, Time Friday, afternoon
Need to Bathroom desperate to pee
Level of Humiliation Extreme

"Mother, I need to pee." Katie exclaims as she grabs her crotch.

The intense pressure of the panties causes Katie to dribble.

"Stop that!" Katie's mother exclaims.

Katie's mother grabs Katie and pulls the panties off of her. The sudden movements cause Katie's bladder to release. Piss runs down Katie's legs onto the panties and the floor. Katie's mother pushes her down on the carpet floor of the fitting room.

"Pee sitting on the floor. If you squat people will hear." Katie's mother explains.

The carpet is quickly soaked. The tan carpet becomes a yellow carpet. Katie covers the stain with the kiddie panties.

"Quick we need to get out of here." Katie's mother says.

Katie quickly puts on the jumpsuit and they run out of the fitting room into security.

Katie and her mother are taken to the security offices. They are band from the mall.

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