TFA: You spot a blaster under a control table.

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Revision as of 04:04, 12 November 2016 by Deaflord (Talk | contribs)

As you keep fondling her pair, you spot an old blaster under the control table. You see it is on the stunt set, but it will have to do. You don know if Phasma has seen it, so there is a big risk to take. Plasma keeps pumping your shaft in her pussy with vigor, and with the constant rhythm she is going, you give both two or three minutes before you cum. You pull back your hands, laying them perpendicularly to your body, as if in exhaustion. Plasma doesn't move, except for the hard fucking she gives herself on your pole. Slowly, you move your right arm towards the blaster, stars appearing in your vision as a sudden acceleration from Phasma sent you both screaming in pure ecstasy. You scream even louder as you cum straight into her pussy, which sends Phasma over the edge. She squirts, but at the same time she pulls the blade upwards, ready to end your miserable life. You take your chance as you take control of the gun and shoot her, paralyzing her instantly. The hilt of the lightsaber falls on your chest, as you exhale in relief. You cannot stay here too long, you have a resistance and a friend to save. You dress up quickly, taking back your lightsaber and leaves the room, leaving the capitain naked with goo dripping from her pussy.

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Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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