Lost in the Forest - The Sun Sets and Katie Is Still Utterly Lost

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Condition Scared, Naked, Soaking Wet, Muddy, Lost, Freezing, and Exhausted Apparel and Items: Nothing
Day, Time Thursday evening
Need to Bathroom Unknown
Level of Humiliation Forgotten

Katie laid in the pool of mud for a while, all but having given up, sobbing and feeling sorry for herself. This couldn't get any worse. How did she ever wind up in this horrible predicament? Sure, she could have gotten better directions or a map. She could have maintained her car and checked it before going on such a long trip. She could have had an extra set of keys in her purse or a cell phone with fresh batteries. She could have not wandered into the woods in naught but her panties...

It suddenly dawned on her that the only one she should be mad at was herself. This was her fault. All of it. And now, lying here stark naked in the rain, completely filthy, and without a single worldly possession on her person, she and she alone would have to work herself out of it.

Slowly clambering to her feet - or trying to anyway, as the mud came up to her thighs and she kept falling - she tried to scrape the mud out of her eyes and crawl out of the pool. She didn't even know what direction she came from anymore. It didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that she got back to solid ground and kept moving. Eventually, after fifteen minutes of exhausting work, she did just that, having inadvertently crossed the entire pool by its width.

Katie laid on the ground once more heaving, thoroughly coated in mud from head to toe and warmed up a bit from the exertion, but that wasn't to last. The pitter-patter of rain was relentless, as was the wind and fog, and soon she began shivering again as the mud slowly smeared off her naked body.

That's when she realized she still was in trouble. All she had done was romped through a large mud pool. But she was still lost in a forest, completely naked, soaking wet from the rain, and she couldn't remember the last time she had been this cold. To make matters worse, the sun was clearly setting by now. Soon it would get too dark to see at all, and it would get even colder.

With that in mind, Katie willed herself up, and she continued trekking through the woods despite her fatigue. She still had no clue where she was going. All she knew was that she couldn't stay here naked in the rain. She slowly picked through the woods as it got darker and darker. The fog drastically limited her field of view as it was, but even as her eyes adjusted to the dark, she found that she could see even less now. What seemed like hours went by as it ultimately became fully night.

At this point, Katie might as well have been groping about blindfolded. Goosebumps were all over her body and sticking out everywhere as much as possible. She was shivering violently now as her teeth chattered uncontrollably. Her feet were beyond stinging and sore, as now they were numb and she could barely even feel the ground anymore. So were her hands and arms. Dozens of times she had tripped, lost her balance, or her grasp slipped while holding a branch or a rock. She stumbled to the ground so many times now, that the rain could barely keep the mud off her skin. Katie's whole body was covered in scratches and bruises, she was exhausted, slowly freezing to death, and losing hope. Now she was genuinely scared for her life.

'Just a little further... Just a little further...' Katie kept telling herself. But how long could she last?

Lost in the Forest - Katie Sees a Light in the Distance

Lost in the Forest - Katie Discovers a Cave to Use as Shelter

Lost in the Forest - More Hours Pass as Katie Trudges On

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