Piggy's Day/Take the laser rifle with you

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Piggy: "Well, it's not like I know how to use this, but it might be good for intimidation purposes."

You head down the stairway, when the other militant calls to you.

Militant: "Hey! Are you gonna leave me here alone!?"

Piggy: "Yes."

Without so much as looking back, you descent into the subway tunnel. You see that the guards have, at least so far, done their job: the subway tunnel is clean and none of the machinery is broken. You come across the ticket vending machine, but it seems unoperational. The cashiers probably cut their wires after the government declared a state of emergency. This allows for easier evacuation of civilians.

Piggy: "You know what, this place is in total anarchy, nobody is going to miss a few coins."

You use the laser rifle to blast open the top of the machine. You have a coin collection, and you're guessing that Anthalsian currency will soon be renewed to include some new faces, so you'd better get the old ones now. As you grab a handful of coins and stuff them into a makeshift satchel made from old propaganda posters, a few other subway attendants notice you.

Young man: "Hey, this guy's got free money!"

A group of people gather, intending to grab a handful of coins for themselves.

Piggy: "Now hold on just a second, I only took these coins for numismatical purposes!"

Old lady: "Lookie here now, this currency's gonna go outta circulation in a few weeks anyways. Why couldn't we take them?"

Piggy: "Well... If it's going out of circulation, what do YOU need it for? You're not all coin collectors as well, are you?"

Old lady: "Uhm... Well that's-a.... PIN HIM DOWN AND GRAB THE LOOT!"

The group of people jumps on you.

Piggy: "Hey! Get off of me you greedy crackheads!"

Young man: "Are you an agent?"

Piggy: "What?"


Piggy: "No no I'm not, I'm just a regular old idiot with a gun..."

You can't finish explaining. Somebody has already seized your gun and shot you.


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