Piggy's Day/Press the button again

From Create Your Own Story

< Piggy's Day
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Piggy: "Okay, let's try this again."

You press the same button again, and once more it displays the number "1". This time you decide to press it straight away to save time. Just like before, a message appears: "Do you wish to lock your answer?" This time you don't hesitate, knowing that saying "no" would do nothing.

Piggy: "YES!"

It sounds like the pod's engine is failing, but after a moment you realise that the sound is coming from the control panel. It's a low drumroll. Suddenly, all screens turn green and a voice yells out:

Voice: "It's correct! The number of Earth's moons is 1! Congratulations! You've just one ONE MILLION DOLLARS in the annual Solar System's Super Raffle!"

Piggy: "YES!"

The voice gives you directions to alter the coordinates of the escape pod back to Earth to claim your prize money. After landing in Los Angeles, you find out that the whole thing was a ruse to get you back to prison.

Piggy: "YES!... I mean, GODDAMIT!"

You end up back in prison. Your capture revealed Phobos's secret gravity reversal program to Earthlings, and Phobos goes bankrupt after failing to get copyrights on it soon enough. Impoverished and angry Phobosians flock to Earth as refugees. One of the refugees, the former emperor, went a little bit insane and ended up in the same prison as you. You fail to notice this, and one day when you're not paying attention in the cafeteria, the former emperor stabs you to death with a fork.


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