AUA: Just cuddle up to her

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Sensing that your mom is in a fragile state you decide not to push it, instead simply rolling over and cuddling up to her. She says nothing, but you feel her hand close gratefully around yours before you end up drifting off to sleep.

You awaken in the same position, still curled up to your mom. She's still asleep - she'd always been prone to sleeping in - but you wake her by gently stroking her arm. She blinks awake and turns to look at you, looking bleary and bewildered for a moment before smiling sheepishly... No doubt she still remembers the events of last night.

"Morning, mom." you greet, smiling in return, "Can you go make me breakfast before you run those errands for me?"

Your mother looks temporarily confused by what you could mean by "errands"... Until she remembers what she promised the night before. "Oh... S-Sure, buddy." she replies, blushing, "Do you want my tits out while I make it?"

"Yeah. In fact, no more wearing tops in the house unless I say so - okay?" you specify, your mother looking down shyly as she gives a submissive nod.

"Okay, baby." she answers, trying to avoid your eyes as she nibbles her lip, "Just... No touching, okay? M-Mommy lost her head a little bit last night... I don't want you to think it's okay to ask for that stuff."

"Okay." you answer, trying not to let the reluctance slip into your voice.

"In fact... I had an idea last night. You like girls who... Who take off their clothes for money. Right?" she asks, prompting a nod from you, "W-well... What if instead of making mommy do all those things in a row, you paid me to do just a few things with your allowance?"

You appear skeptical, and so she rushes to explain the rest of her plan.

"It'll be fun, honey... You can stuff money in my clothes and tell me what to do, and we can use it to pay for your school... And to pay off mommy's credit card after all these operations...!" she starts to look desparate as you continue to show your lack of enthusiasm, adding; "...A-And maybe if you give me over $1000 I'll let you touch me...!"

"Touch you how?" you ask, perking up. She appears horrified by what she'd just promised, but she swallows nervously before shyly meeting your eyes.

"Any way you want, honey... B-But no more telling mommy to do naughty things unless you're paying for it, okay?" she offers sweetly; you answer in short order.

"Deal." you reply, reaching down toward your pants on the floor and retrieving a $20 bill, which you shove into your mom's panties, "Wear your SLUT shirt when you're out doing errands today. Go right away, okay?"

Your mother bites her lip again, as if poised to explain to you that she doesn't like wearing that shirt in public, but you see her resistance wither as she glances down at the 20 in her panties. "Okay, sweetie. Hey - maybe you could mow some lawns for the neighbours today? Mommy might take her top off for you for $100~" she says seductively as she rises from the bed and crosses the room, winking over her shoulder before leaving to go get ready. You hear the door slam shortly afterward; she must have left to go run her errands just as you'd ordered.

Your mom seems to think that a boy your age will never scrape together the $1000 required to touch her however you want - at least, not before she can come up with some other rule to keep you from having your way with her - but you have a surprise for her. You glance slyly over to your box of Magic: The Gathering rares from your childhood as you plot an errand of your own.

You've already returned by the time your mom gets home in the late afternoon - she had been busy, after all, and it's obvious from the moment she walks in the door.

She's dressed to show off her newly-bronzed flesh, her spray-tanned skin glistening everywhere her "S L U T" shirt, miniskirt, and platform heels don't cover. Her pink belly-stud and freshly-manicured nails glitter at you as you try to meet her eyes, which are adorned with slutty fake eyelashes and abundant eyeshadow... But the icing on the cake would be your mother's newly-swollen lips, now sumptuously luscious and just *made* for sucking dick.

She gives you a questioning gaze as you beckon her over, but her jaw begins to drop as her eyes fall upon the fat stack of bills at your side. You smile. "Come kneel in front of me, mom - and could you get your tits out for me?"

Your mother slowly makes her way over to your place on the couch, eyeing the stack of bills at your side warily. "S-Sure, honey... But where did you get all that money?"

You smile, casually stuffing a $20 bill into the waistband of your mom's skirt, "I sold my best Magic cards!" you answer, "Now can you kneel down, mom?"

Her eyes are nervous and guilty when she meets yours, clearly knowing that her new "rules" made this possible... Yet the way she starts to flush as she kneels at your feet seems to suggest that her body is desperate for your gaze - and maybe more.

"Good. Can you take your top and bra off, mom?" you repeat.

"That's $40, baby." she says coyly, reaching down to tease at the hem of her "S L U T" top with her manicured fingers. She bites her bottom lip softly as she awaits your command, though you can't tell if it's she's doing it out of anxiety or arousal.

"No... Remember? I made the rule that you couldn't wear tops or bras in the house before you told me I had to pay you to do stuff." you remind her, causing her to purse her lips in a disappointed pout.

"Greedy boy..." she chides sullenly, averting her eyes from yours as she takes a deep breath and begins lifting her shirt.

As she pulls up her shirt, you see her fake-tanned face starting to glow even redder as the bottoms of her bronzed M-cup tits emerge, straining at the fabric of her top as her itty-bitty bikini top begins to peek out from underneath.

Finally she gives her top one final tug upward, her swimsuit-clad boobs bouncing out into the open air so vigorously that they nearly tumble right out of her bikini top! You watch them jiggle and sway pendulously as they begin to settle, your mother's lips parting to admit her hot, rapid breaths as she watches you stare at her huge, barely-contained mammaries.

Her arms go behind her back to untie her bikini before lifting to half-heartedly cover her tits, looking away shyly as she speaks; "T-They couldn't spray under my bikini so it's still... All pale underneath..." she admits, her blue eyes flicking back to meet yours again as her lip trembles - perhaps because she's afraid you'll be displeased?

"Show me." you answer authoritatively, and surprisingly your mom reacts by nodding obediently, bowing her head and lowering her arms - and thus allowing her bikini top to flutter to the floor.

Her overstuffed rack is mostly tanned, but as she'd indicated there are two triangle-shaped pale spots about an inch wide located where her bikini had been - and the nipples beneath remain just as rosy and suckable as ever, more erect that you've ever seen them thanks to your mother's obvious arousal.

She's kneeling before you now, panting lightly as her hooded eyes gaze up at yours. Her superb fake tits are nearly dangling in your lap, beads of perspiration having formed on them since they rolled out into the open air. They jiggle and jostle with every minute movement of your mom's chest, her sweat and recent spraytan glistening in the light of the living room.

You glance off to the side at the pile of money you'd amassed; just over $2200 all told, and you'd made sure to get a portion of it in 1$ bills. But what to spend it on?

You know your mother had said she'd let you touch her any way you wanted for $1000 - though you're sure she hardly suspected you'd ever scrape that together, much less today. But what could you get her to do for less in her helplessly turned-on state? Your mind boggles at the possibilities...

Start tossing 1$ bills and order her jiggle her tits in your face

Stuff $100 in the waistband of her skirt and tell her to strip

Offer 200$ if you can call her anything you want from now on

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