Katie Accident in Art - Katie has an accident in English class

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition clean Apparel and Items: Shirt skirt panties
Day, Time Friday, Afternoon
Need to Bathroom Desperate to poop
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie is able to hold her poop for several minuets. She slides her hand under her skirt to hold her ass. Katie squirms in pain.

Then a fart escapes. It was a wet fart. The classroom erupts in laughter. Katie stands up to plead with the teacher.

"Please let me go. ooooh noo! Katie yells.

Mushy poop rushes into her panties. Brown liquid runs down both of her legs. Katie stands in shock as she messes herself for the second time. The smell of the poop is nauseating and causes several students to throw up.

Katie feels light headed after her accident and passes out.

Katie Accident in Art - Katie wakes up in a hospital

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