The Review/Adult Stories/Dungeons and Dragons

From Create Your Own Story

Fredhot16's notes of Dungeons and Dragons:

You know, I looked up the Dungeons and Dragons Paladin Code on google and I couldn't find a definite, set-in-stone, code. I did find a "A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins- Defenders of the Faith" for the edition (3.5) of this CYOS. The Code, according to this guide, doesn't really allow lying, cheating, or poison. I saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about sex being forbidden. So, this internal conflict this paladin girl is supposed to be having somewhat? Shouldn't actually exist. So, it's just made-up garbage. Just as I expected.

Also, pretty sure that the type of paladin this girl is supposed to be wouldn't be a bandit, rapist, or child killer. Not only would she normally have a strong core of ethics, but her becoming a bandit just comes out of nowhere. Terrible choices.

You know, I'm not exactly getting an great feel for the god Bane. Not getting his ethos or why people worship him. It's just so...paltry, so nominal. It's just token information.

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