Katie Accident in Art - Katie puts on the diaper in the grocery store

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Upset Apparel and Items: Orange Jumpsuit, Sneakers, Bag of poopy clothes.
Day, Time Friday, afternoon
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie decides to give into her mother's demands. Katie removes the jumpsuit exposing her body. She is quick to cover her breasts with one arm and her pussy with her hand. Katie's mother opened the diapers and slides one under Katie's pussy. Katie shivers in the cold grocery store. She looks around and sees a crowd gathering to watch her public diapering. Katie's mother finishes putting the diaper on Katie and she quickly puts the jumpsuit back on.

"Mother can we please go?" Katie pleads.

"Okay, but I have to pay for these diapers. I think you will need them for some time." Katie's mother says.

The go to the register and pay for the diapers. As they leave the grocery store Katie realizes she will be in diapers for quite some time.

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