Piggy's Day/Not okay

From Create Your Own Story

< Piggy's Day
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The Asag isn't moving.

Piggy: "Oh noes."

You go over to the Asag, and try to wake up the small creature lying amidst shards of glass.

Piggy: "Hey, wake up! Please, just say something..."

You try to shake it awake, and the asag begins to scream in a horrible, high-pitched voice.


Piggy: "Okay, you can stop saying things right about now!"

You try your everything to make the crying stop. It doesn't help. You go inside to get something akin to a pacifier. You have no idea whether pacifiers work on heltish beasts, but nothing will stop you from trying. You go to the kitchen and see what's in the fridge. You see a hunk of meat on a bone, and decide to take it.

Piggy: "I hope I can make this up to the old couple somehow..."

As you close the fridge door, you see something in the kitchen window. It looks like a massive white ghost floating on the foggy, barren field. You are mildly confused at first, but soon you recognize the ghastly pattern as the same that surrounded the eye of the small Asag. At this point you begin to feel thumping, and realize what's going on.

Piggy: "Oh dear... That must be the mother!"

Panicking, you begin screaming to wake up everyone.


The capatin and the marine are able evacuate quickly. Having been trained in the military, they are no strangers to sudden wake ups. The old couple takes a while, but gets out. The dog is nowhere to be seen, but you decide to abandon the house as well. You make an improvised meeting outside.

Old man: "What's tis' abo't a Behemoth?"

You point to the ginormous Asag approaching the house.

Old man: "E-whaa!? Yer not gettin' past meh, ya tresspassr!"

The old man grabs a shotgun from inside, and aims at the eye of the Asag.


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