Piggy's Day/You are in Egypt

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< Piggy's Day
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The captain lets you out in harbour of Cairo.

Captain: "Now, you tell me that this friend of yours, Swine, will pick you up?"

Piggy: "Yes, that might take a few days, though."

Captain: "Oh well, here, have some money to see the town and buy food."

Piggy: "Oh, thanks, man."

You've visited Cairo before, but not in the 101st century.

Piggy: "Wow, much has changed since I last was here. Or... should I say much will change? Oh, well, I still want to see what it's like in here."

The main street is buzzing with people. The Sahara sands are impossible to keep off the streets, so anywhere outside of downtown people don't even bother putting in actual streets. Kids play with marbles on the sand, street vendors try and sell everything edible under the sun, and it's all shadowed by the skyscrapers of business central. On a side of an old building you can see an ad for a tourist event to see the pyramids, and sign right up. The tourist buss leaves every day at 3pm and returns at 6pm, in the relative cool of the evening. You are lucky enough to have a young, locar tour guide who speaks english well.

Tour guide: "Welcome to the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is the largest pyramid in all of Egypt, and is over 12500 years old..."

You think to yourself:

Piggy: "Boring... Why did I even go on this tour?"

Tour guide: "... And as a part of the tour, we'll take a brief look inside the pyramid.

Piggy: "Hm? Now this might be interesting."

Inside you get to see the original burial place of the pharaoh.

Tour guide: This is the King's Chamber, or tomb of pharaoh Khufu.

Piggy: "From what sort of a landfill was this coffin dug up from? I thought it dissapeared long before the beginning of time."

Tour guide: "The historical time-travelling club returned it to its original resting place to around the year 9308."

A friendly-looking american tourist in a white t-shirt and a brimmed hat then turns to you.

Tourist: "You're not a time traveller yourself, are you? What year from?"

Piggy: "Well, I was transported to the future from the year 32011, and from there I went in a time machine to two days ago from here. Then, the president of USA kidnapped me and tried to feed me to a giant sea serpent. I escaped to the ocean, where an egyptian submarine picked me up and brought me here."

The tourist looks dumbfounded.

Tourist: "You were kidnapped by the president of USA? And first things first you thought of going to see the pyraminds? Are you dense - shouldn't you have told the authorities or something?"

While speaking, the tourist waves his arms around, and accidentally hits the coffin's lid. Then, strange smoke starts erupting from inside the coffin.

Tourist: "Woah-oh... That's not good."

The tourist guide panics, and declares this to be the mummy's curse.


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