Buying a new dress, of course.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:39, 14 August 2016 by Heroicweirdo (Talk | contribs)

You become lost in the memory.

You might not be rich, but you certainly have plenty of money. With a pretty smile, you waltz into the marketplace and begin browsing through the dresses. Several quickly catch your eye. One is a soft pink that perfectly compliments your skin tone. Two of them are more sensible, but still beautiful pale blue dresses. You examine them critically.

"Hey beautiful, why don't you come to my house and we can have a little fun?" An obviously drunk man slurs.

"Eww, no." You make a face, taking a few steps away. It's not even noon and this man is obviously drunk. Even if he wasn't, you wouldn't lower yourself to his standards. You...

Tell him to go away

call for help|Call for help


Prepare to fight him

Agree and have some fun.

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