Robb and Theon help chase her

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Dropping the bow, Bran ran after her, determined to catch her. She giggled as she turned and fled, running across the courtyard. Expecting to hear his brothers laughing at him, he instead found them running beside him.

"Chase her into the godswood," Robb said, "We'll take it from there." With that the two ran off, taking the long way to the godswood. Grinning, Bran chased his sister with renewed vigor. She ran into the dining room. He knew her strategy. She would try and lose him in the kitchens. However, trying to get her back outside, he ran toward the kitchen stairs. Arya saw this, and changed direction, running outside. While Bran had lost some ground, he had led her closer to the godswood.

Outside again, Bran saw Arya running toward the godswood. Perfect, Bran thought to himself, pursuing her. Once in the godswood, he looked around for Arya. He realized he'd lost her, and started to worry. Did Robb and Theon trick me? Bran asked himself.

"Hey Bran!" He heard Robb call out from his left. "Get over here!" Excited, Bran ran toward the sound and found Robb, Theon, and a very unhappy Arya. Theon was holding her arms behind her back, immobilizing her. Bran grinned triumphantly.

"No fair!" Arya whined, still struggling, "You cheated!"

"Well Arya," Robb said, looking straight in her eyes, "You've been teasing Bran for too long. I think we should punish you. Do you agree Bran?" Bran nodded, giddy with anticipation. "And I think it should be Bran who decides the punishment." Bran looked at Arya, and saw fear in her eyes.

"I agree, Bran should decide," Theon declared, "But, I have some ideas, if you want to hear 'em."

What does Bran decide?

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