D&D: A women from a nearby village spots you after entering your spell

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While napping peacefully post-orgasm, you fail to notice the veil of your illusion being pierced. A woman dressed in plain, loose-fitting clothes carrying a wicker basket wanders to the water's edge. She bends down and starts collecting waterside herbs, oblivious at first to your presence. But as she finishes collecting her first batch, she turns and gasps, clasping her hand over her mouth and nearly dropping her basket. Realizing you weren't a drowned corpse, she clams herself, and as quietly as she could, began to inch towards you.

But when the woman steps on a twig, the sound of it breaking causes you to snap awake. Your sudden motion startles woman, who stumbles back and spills her herbs onto the ground as she lands on her ass. You look at her and realize immediately she wasn't a threat, so you lower yourself a little more into the water to keep your breasts obscure and say, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!"

"I didn't see you there when I came!" the woman exclaimed. "I'm- I'm sorry!"

You're a little upset at yourself for this, to be honest - this time it was just some plain village woman, but it could have been a bugbear or an opportunistic rogue. "I had an illusion up to prevent... exactly this, actually," you say, shrugging, "but you seem harmless enough. I'm Talenei, by the way."

"A spell...?" the woman says disbelievingly. "You're a wizard?"

"Sorceress, actually," you correct her. You didn't like being mixed up for those stuck-up, boring bookworms. "But a spellcaster nonetheless."

A look of internal conflict crosses the woman's face. She crawls onto her hands and knees and prostrates herself. "Please, Talenei, you have to help my village! A curse has befallen us. We haven't had any adventurers come through in months, and we can't get help from Waterdeep."

You find yourself curious, but you haven't forgotten why you're out here to start with. Your destination wasn't far now and you weren't in danger of running out of supplies. From the look of this woman, you doubt the village would have anything of interest to offer in exchange for your services. Still, a whole village owing you a debt of gratitude could be handy for other things.

D&D: Agree to help the woman and follow her to her village immediately.

D&D: Agree, but insist you check with your guide first and alert him to the change in plans.

D&D: Refuse and return to your guide.

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