She shows Arya how it's done

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“I suppose you’re right, Jamie,” Cersei murmured, parting from her brother. She stopped in front of Arya and leaned down to look the girl in the eye. “Such a young, pretty thing. Do you even know how to kiss, I wonder…”

“Of course I know how to kiss!” Arya answered.

“Arya!” Sansa gasped, but the queen paid her no mind.

“Well, then,” Cersei smirked, “If you won’t kiss your sister, why don’t you kiss me? Show me how a Stark girl kisses.”

Arya was fuming. How dare anyone walk into Winterfell, abuse their hospitality and then insult her like that! Of course, Arya knew how to kiss! She wasn’t some star-struck, empty headed girl like Jeyne Poole! However, as she took a step towards the queen, who was watching her with expectant, twinkling green eyes, she hesitated. Seeing Cersei smile, Arya grew angry again. The youngest Stark girl took a deep breath, balled up her fists, stepped forward, and pressed her lips against Cersei’s. Or, rather, she would have, if Cersei hadn’t still been smiling. Arya immediately backed away, face burning.

Cersei started giggling, Sansa’s jaw dropped at what she had just seen, and even Jamie raised his hand to his face, trying to contain his laugh.

“You kissed her teeth!” Jeyne laughed, pointing at Arya as if everyone in the sept hadn’t already seen. Arya’s fist was shaking as she considered making Jeyne eat dirt.

“Can you do better, girl?” Cersei snapped. Jeyne’s mouth immediately snapped shut and she turned beet red. Sansa’s jaw was practically on the ground as Cersei turned back to Arya. “Now... Arya, was it? This is how you kiss...”

Cersei came forward and placed her hands on Arya’s shoulders. There was no hesitation, no reluctance, as Cersei kissed Arya. Arya’s eyes widened in surprise. Her entire body stiffened as she was unsure of what to do. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. That worried her. Girls should not be kissing other girls! But the queen’s lips were incredibly soft. And she was warm. Arya could practically feel the waves of heat radiating from Cersei’s skin and in the cold halls of Winterfell, the young girl found herself drawn into the golden lioness’s warmth. Despite herself, a soft sound that wasn’t displeasure emerged from her lips. Hearing it, the queen backed away.

Arya used the moment to open her mouth. She was going to take a breath, to say thank you, but then Cersei was back, kissing her more insistently. Arya made a noise as she felt the Queen’s tongue push past her lips, seeking out her own. It was a strange sensation and Arya could taste a hint of the spiced wine that had been served at the party alongside a taste that Arya couldn’t identify.

She was tasting the queen!

The realization hit her about the same time she felt Cersei’s hands on her breasts. Arya’s breasts had always been small, nearly flat. Her mother had always assured her that she was merely a late bloomer, but the older woman’s hands didn’t seem to mind as they pressed against Arya’s gentle curves. The youngest Stark girl cried out as the Lannister’s fingers found her nipple through the thin dress and gave them a pull. Arya’s entire body shook at the sudden, unfamiliar sensation.

Cersei’s hand moved lower, hungrily crawling along Arya’s body, over the butterflies in her stomach, before diving between her skirts. Arya cried out into Cersei’s mouth as the older woman’s fingers traced her feminine slit. She was melting! There was no other way to describe it as warmth and wetness flooded her legs! Her knees turned to jelly, threatening to impale her in the queen’s fingers—which was an idea that was sounding more and more appealing to Arya.

As just as quickly as it had started, Cersei stopped. All that could be heard in the sept was the sound of Arya’s ragged breathing and her pounding heart.

“And that is how you kiss, my little wolf,” Cersei murmured.

What happens next?


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