User talk:Underside

From Create Your Own Story

If you want to leave me a message feel free to post here--Underside 06:56, 11 July 2016 (UTC)

Umm, it is great what you are trying to do...

But, did you get the system admin's authorization to do that with the all adult stories? Really not a good idea to change things like Index pages without... You may really want to leave a note with Platypus first... --Dirty Me 08:51, 14 July 2016 (UTC)

Ah, I didn't really know the protocol. I tried reading the rules to make sure I was doing everything right. I'll revert it for now and leave a message asking about it.--Underside 14:28, 14 July 2016 (UTC)

A part of me wants to say 'no'. I can remember the days when all of the stories, of all types, fit easily on the Main Page... However, while I knew that the excessive number of parser calls were causing some issues, I wasn't aware that there were editing problems with the index pages and phone browsers. In light of that, and since the index pages have gotten rather unwieldy, even with the current breakdowns... Go ahead and split the indexes up.

I do appreciate being asked before major changes are made to the site structure. --Platypus 16:45, 14 July 2016 (UTC)

Hmm, I tried adding the notoc to the top of the adults page, and it keeps throwing time out errors. If the page change cannot write to the database within a certain amount of time, it errors out and will not make the change. With the template method you recently used, it basically blocks changes to the index page. Also, I have other concerns about doing it this way. New users tend to mess up the pages anyways, and now adding in a new story is more complicated. I would have no problem, but I imagine others would have problems. You may want to rethink the way to handle it. Maybe just keep it the way you originally had it since Platypus has given the go for the change. At least then users will not have as difficult of a time. You may also want to add to the Tutorial to explain how to add your story a little more, since it is a little more complicated now. When users get warnings, they get pointed to the Tutorial, so it would be better to give information on how to navigate and add better in there. Again, I am not a decision maker on this site, just a user. So, I am just making comments based on my experience here and my thoughts. --Dirty Me 01:52, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

PS: After thinking about it, if we really want a listing of the stories on the main index page, you can always put them in the same way as we do the options. I am thinking of some ideas on how to handle, like maybe just a list of the stories, without a wiki table, but when you click the story it takes you to the index page. Not sure. Lets face it, I am still trying to figure out The Review, which is what I created to review all the stories on the site (But, I am just one woman, so it is difficult for me to review every single story...hoping others also add their own reviews). I have even wondered if there is a way to link the indexes to the reviews so we have story:synopsis, but have not figured out a good way to do this. --Dirty Me 01:57, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

I think your first idea was better. New users will make a mangled mess out of this. As much as I would like to have a single index page, we've got to keep things as simple as possible. As it is, it's a constant project to keep people from putting every story whose title starts with The under T.--Platypus 02:03, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

_NOTOC_ When this is added to the top of a page, it prevents the table of contents from showing. Right now, the index shows every letter and # at the top. You know how it had the little grey box that went #, A, B, C, D, ....? Then you click and it jumps to that section? That is the toc. Putting this code, you will not have the toc shown at the top. --Dirty Me 02:19, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

Eh, stay here long enough and you will realize how much work I have put in, sometimes things that doesn't work, so all the effort ends up in the blank pile, or sitting there until I want to retry it. For example, you can check out Texting. It was created by someone else on this site based on some ideas I passed him. He just expanded, then I expanded, then he expanded, etc... So, I know the feeling quite well xD --Dirty Me 02:49, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

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